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Deep Love Hidden From Him novel Chapter 221

When Everleigh arrived at the hospital, the operating room's lights were still on.

Only Moses stood at the door of the operating room. As soon as he saw Everleigh, he immediately stood up from the chair and asked, "Dr. Trevino, why are you here?"

"Leon told me what happened." Everleigh looked anxiously at the door of the operating room. "How is it? How long has it been? What's going on?"

Her series of questions made Moses feel a little confused. "They said it was sudden, but in truth, it wasn't sudden at all. Mr. Godfrey's test results haven't been looking good over the past few days, and the doctor warned us not to leave him alone. Thankfully, I returned to the ward because I forgot something and I found him unconscious."

A little over an hour ago, Moses had taken Theodore's signed documents back to the company, but he realized that there were a few issues with them and returned. Then, he found Theodore unconscious in the ward and the rest of it, Everleigh knew already.

As they spoke, the lights in the operating room went out and the door was opened from inside.

Everleigh hurried over and asked, "Dr. Harvey, how is he?"

Darius Harvey was Theodore's attending physician. In the medical exchange meeting with Ocpeace City, Everleigh had interacted with him several times. During this week when she was taking care of Theodore, she had chatted with him frequently as well.

Darius took off his mask and said, "He's fine, we brought him back. It's just a hiccup in his treatment and there's no need for a craniotomy yet. He'll be awake soon."

Everleigh breathed a sigh of relief when she heard this and her stiff legs suddenly went weak. Then, she fell limply backwards.

"Dr. Trevino..." Thankfully, Moses was quick enough to grab hold of Everleigh.

There was not a single trace of blood on Everleigh's face. Then Moses helped her aside and asked, "Dr. Trevino, are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Everleigh shook her head slowly. "Maybe I ran too fast earlier and I just need to rest for a while."

She had hailed a cab from the shopping mall and scrambled out of it before it even came to a complete stop. Worst case scenarios floated through her mind and all her rationality as a doctor flew out the window.

After coming out of the operating room, Theodore was moved to the ward by the medical staff. He hadn't woken up yet.

Everleigh helped him slow down the IV drip by the bed and took a cotton swab and water to carefully smear his dry lips. After Moses came in and saw this scene, he felt a little sad inexplicably.

He didn't know what had happened between Everleigh and his boss, but he had seen a lot of entanglements these days. From an observer's point of view, it was uncomfortable to watch.

"Dr. Trevino, you really like Mr. Godfrey, right?" He suddenly asked, though he knew it was a bit abrupt.

Everleigh was stunned for a moment and her hand movements also stopped.

Moses knew that it was not easy for her to answer this question, so he simply said, "If you didn't like Mr. Godfrey, you wouldn't come here on purpose to take care of him, and you wouldn't be this anxious if you knew that he was in trouble."

Then, he realized that he had made an insensitive remark when Everleigh silently lowered her head. "Sorry, that was over the line."

A forced smile pulled at the corners of her lips as she said, "It's fine."

Moses was telling the truth. Whether it was seven years ago or seven years later, she could not deny that the man in front of her had been engraved into her mind.

Alas, life was complicated like that and you couldn't always follow your heart.

Spread out in front of both her and Theodore wasn't only the seven-year gap, but also an inexplicable amount of pain. Despite time dulling the ache, she knew that the pain had never fully disappeared. Instead, it lurked in the background, waiting to strike like an animal.

She was no longer that innocent twenty something girl. She had things she needed to do and people to protect, which were far above her own love.

After Everleigh came to her senses, she asked, "By the way, did you tell Madam Scott about Theodore's fainting?"

Moses shook his head and said, "No, I wouldn't dare to do that. Madam Scott's heart is not good. We didn't even tell her about Theodore staying in the hospital. If she knew about this, I wouldn't be able to bear the consequences if anything happens, so I only called Mr. Allen. I didn't expect him to be with you."


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