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Deep Love Hidden From Him novel Chapter 321

Christopher looked at Everleigh's gaunt face and began to feel bad for her. "God is so unfair to her that he allowed all these injustices to happen to her," he thought.

"Dr. Harrison, is she really okay?"

He sighed softly and said, "She must have overheard the conversation outside, or she wouldn't have fainted from shortness of breath."

He couldn't believe the truth either. Life was unfair to Everleigh.

"Dr. Harrison, what should we do about Everleigh?" Christopher asked worriedly. He knew that Everleigh would be able to live through the troubles of her past but it was about life and death this time.

Dr. Harrison's face was full of sorrow. He didn't know what to do either. If he knew, the doctors would let the patient know about their illnesses and not just tell their family members instead.

Everleigh slowly opened her eyes and looked at the familiar surroundings she was in with a blurry mind.

"Dr. Harrison."

"You're awake." He sat on a chair and waited for her to wake up.

She sat up on the bed and thought about the things that happened before she fainted. "Dr. Harrison, am I really..." She asked with a pale face.

"Stop overthinking. Have you learnt nothing as a doctor? There is an incubation period for AIDS, and you're aware of that, aren't you?" He said before she could finish her sentence. His tone was slightly upset as his clever eyes were filled with worry.

She let out a weary laugh and said, "Dr. Harrison, you don't have to comfort me. I know there's a huge chance of getting it through blood transmission."

"Everleigh, listen to me..."

"Dr. Harrison, I'll be back a few days' time for a check up. Don't worry about me. I'll be fine. I'll excuse myself for now," she replied. Then, she got off the bed and walked out of the room lifelessly.

It was obvious that she was unable to accept the truth.

Christopher finished with work and came over to see how Everleigh was doing. He saw her walking soullessly out of the room with a lost gaze, as if she didn't see him.

"Everleigh!" He called out, but she did not hear him and continued walking forward.

He was worried about her. He walked up and grabbed her arm. Everleigh felt someone grab her arm and she shouted.

"Everleigh, it's me." His heart ached for her reaction.

She must have thought that since she was sick, nobody should go near her.

Everleigh was still lost in her thoughts, and it took her a long time to recover from the shock.

"I'm sorry, I..."

"Let's have a talk. Let's go." Without waiting for her to agree, Christopher pulled her out to the garden of the hospital. There was barely anyone there because it was the middle of the day.

The two of them walked under the shade of the tree. She looked dull, and the expression in her eyes gradually dissipated.

"Everleigh, don't worry. It might not be the case. We'll know once you're out of the incubation period, so stop worrying too much." He couldn't help but comfort her.

She was still in a daze, as if she didn't hear what he had said. Her lips were pursed together tightly and she remained quiet.

He felt anxious. He would much rather she cry it out and release her emotions, as compared to bottling it up like she was right now.

"Can you say something please? You're making me feel so worried about you." His voice trembled a little as his charming face was filled with helplessness and fear.

He had never seen Everleigh behave like this. She seemed lifeless.

He was afraid that she wouldn't be able to accept things and do something to hurt herself.


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