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Deep Love Hidden From Him novel Chapter 419

Xavier's eyes widened. Astonishment, anger and shock were all seen in his eyes. The truth that Theodore just mentioned was finding out everything Wilson had done.

But the most important reason was because of Everleigh.

It had nothing to do with him, his brother.

Theodore didn't get a response from him, so he left the restaurant.

The news that Everleigh had become the chief researcher of Theodore's company had spread all over the hospital. Some of the interns even looked at her as a goddess. None of them had ever thought that she had such big dreams.

A researcher! It wasn't that easy to do research and create inventions.

All the highly experienced doctors in the hospital felt really ashamed that they couldn't achieve what she had achieved.

In the afternoon, Saniogo went to the hospital to talk to her about the news on the internet.

Everleigh was surprised to see him there, but only


"Uncle Saniogo, why are you here?"

"I happened to pass by, so I decided to come down and visit you," he replied while sizing up her office.

It was brightly-lit, very comfortable, and there were even a few plant pots on the desk, releasing more oxygen.

"Wow, you really know how to enjoy yourself."

She chuckled. "Well, after all, there's no sunshine in this room. I can only enjoy the greenery here all alone." She passed him a glass of water.

He took a sip of the water and hesitated before saying, "Everleigh, I want to apologize to you for the incident last night. I didn't want to be biased towards Cynthia, but I'm just so used to doting on her."

She didn't say a word after listening to his explanation. It was logical. After all, Cynthia had been living with him for so many years, and many things had become habits.

"In the Jenkins family, people really like girls. My sister, Missha, is the one who receives most of the love among the siblings. No matter how unharmonious the four of us brothers are, we'll just try to get along whenever she's around. We're always happy when a new girl is born. Cynthia is one of them," Saniogo explained.

She remained silent.

It was really rare for a family to treasure girls that much. However, it had nothing to do with her. Even if they liked girls, they would only dote on the ones who grew up with them. Everleigh, however, was a girl who spent her childhood elsewhere, so there wasn't a close relationship between her and the family.

"I hope that you can forgive me. You're as important to me as Cynthia." He raised his head and looked at her, his eyes filled with guilt. He wouldn't have realized that his words had hurt her if it wasn't for Alexander's reminder.

He just felt that he had done nothing wrong.

"I know," she replied in a deep voice.

He opened his mouth. He knew that his words wouldn't mean anything, as actions would speak louder than words.

"By the way, what is going on between you and Theodore? Is the news on the internet true?" Saniogo couldn't believe it when he read the news that morning. He knew that Everleigh was a doctor, but he didn't know that she studied medical technology.

She nodded seriously. "It's true. I met some researchers when I was in Africa. I learned about it as I spent time with them, so I wanted to give it a try."

He didn't care about the whole research thing. He just felt that it wasn't really appropriate for her to get too close with Theodore.

"Everleigh, are you really planning to be with Theodore?"


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