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Deep Love Hidden From Him novel Chapter 459

Alexander saw a flash of worry in Everleigh's eyes and understood her concerns. "Don't worry, Aunt Missha is nothing like our uncle."

She then grinned and stopped talking.

At the Jenkins family's home.

Luqman, Yeezoo, and their families were all present. After all, their own sister was back, so it was normal for them to visit her.

"Aunt Missha, Everleigh is here," Alexander said as soon as he entered the door.

Everyone looked over to the door, especially Missha. When she saw Everleigh, she was slightly surprised for a moment and reacted quickly. "So this is Abraham's daughter? Wow, she looks just like her mother!" Missha went over and held her hand, looking at her carefully.

Saniogo nodded. "That's right, she's Lillian's daughter."

Everleigh noticed the emotions in Missha's eyes and whispered, "Nice to meet you, Aunt Missha."

"Nice to meet you too..." Missha nodded and brought her over to sit down on the sofa.

Cynthia, who was sitting on another sofa, felt even more jealous when she saw the scene. If it wasn't for Missha's return, she wouldn't have shown up at the house.

She felt that it was all Everleigh's fault. Saniogo used to love her so much, but now, everyone's focus was on Everleigh.

Missha looked at Everleigh and asked, "I heard that you are a doctor, right?"

"Yes, I currently work at the city hospital."

"That's a very famous hospital! Your future must be very bright working over there," Missha said in astonishment, but she was also very pleased.

"She's just a doctor. What kind of bright future can she possibly have?" Cynthia mumbled to herself, but everyone else could hear her.

Saniogo's expression changed instantly as he shot a piercing glare at her. Cynthia's entire body trembled. "Your aunt is praising her. What do you even know about a doctor's job?" Yeezoo chided, trying to give Cynthia a way out.

After all, everyone was there to celebrate Missha's return, so no one should start a fight or quarrel.

Everleigh lowered her head without saying anything.

Missha looked around, and her eyes sparkled a little bit. Then, she said with a kind expression, "I'm sorry for not bringing you any souvenirs. I was in a rush to come back. Here, this is for you."

She took out a piece of precious crystal from her bag and gave it to Everleigh.

"I bought this from an auction abroad. Take it. It's something to show my love for you for all these years."

"No, it's too valuable, I can't accept it." Everleigh refused to accept her gift instantly. Although she didn't know much about crystals and gemstones, she could tell that it wasn't an ordinary stone just by looking at it.

When Alexander saw that she was refusing to take it, he reached his hand out and put it in her hand. "Just keep it, don't be shy."

Everleigh looked at it and knew that it would be better for her to just accept it. "Thank you then, Aunt Missha."

"You're welcome. I've gifted Cynthia a lot of precious items in the past, but I never got to give you anything. This time, I just want to make it up to you." Missha smiled sweetly.

She didn't know that her words were making Cynthia even more upset.

She had been used to being the only star in the family, so she certainly didn't want to share the spotlight with someone else.

"Aunt Missha, what about mine?" Cynthia asked with a smile. She thought that since Everleigh was given something, she would receive a gift too.

Missha turned around and looked at her guiltily. "I'm sorry Cynthia, I'll definitely bring you something the next time I come back. I was rushing to come back this time, and I'll only be staying for a few days."

Hearing Missha's words, not only was Cynthia unhappy, Yeezoo and Melissa were displeased as well.

Melissa knew that the piece of crystal was a precious one. Usually, she would bring the jewelries that were given to Cynthia with her to show off.


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