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Deep Love Hidden From Him novel Chapter 481

Theodore patted Adrienne's head. "I'm here to..."

"Come inside and have a seat, they're not at home," Everleigh interrupted.

His heart was filled with joy. "Sure."

The four of them then walked in. Hilda was rather surprised when she saw Theodore, but she didn't say anything.

She poured him a cup of tea.

"Daddy, this is for you. Grandpa bought it for me, but you can have it."

Theodore caressed Adrienne's head. He knew that she was a good child.

"I'll buy you more delicious food the next time we meet."

"Great! I want ice cream, and I want a big one. Oh, and a chocolate cake too!" She listed out the food that she was craving for.

Alastair turned his head away as he couldn't bear to look at her greedy face.

He was tired of her wanting to eat so much food every single time.

Everleigh who was sitting on the sofa couldn't help but joke, "You're eating so much, aren't you afraid of getting fat? By then, people might not like you anymore."

"If someone as fat as you has your own admirer, then people will definitely like me," Adrienne retorted confidently.

Everleigh's face became murderous. "Adrienne Trevino."

Theodore chuckled. He realized that the girl had quite a sharp tongue.

"Adrienne, you can't say that to your Mommy. Isn't she the most beautiful woman in the world?" He asked softly.

Adrienne frowned. "Mommy is beautiful, but only when she's not angry."

Theodore laughed out loud. He glanced at Everleigh's angry face, but couldn't do anything about it.

"If you're obedient and well- behaved, Mommy wouldn't be angry."

Adrienne lowered her head and pondered for a moment. "Daddy, you're on Mommy's side too, so I don't want to talk to you."

Everleigh and Alastair felt even more helpless when they saw Adrienne losing her temper.

Then, she took her snacks with her and sat alone

in a corner, eating it in big mouthfuls.

"You'd better cheer her up now, or else she'll really ignore you for a few days," Everleigh reminded Theodore.

He raised his eyebrows and said aloud, "I ordered a chocolate cake and some imported fruits when I was on my way here. Of course, I bought some imported ice cream as well. I originally planned to give them to Adrienne, but now that she's angry with me, I guess I'll..."

Adrienne walked over hurriedly and said, "Daddy, what are you talking about? I'm your daughter, so how can I be angry with you? By the way, when will the food arrive?"

Seeing her sudden mood change, Theodore was lost for words. He had no choice but to call Moses and ask him to send them the food.

Adrienne looked at the boxes of different sizes; there were about eight of them. The grin on her face didn't disappear for a long time.

Everleigh shook her head in disapproval. Theodore was literally spoiling Adrienne with all his money.

Time passed quickly, and it was time for Theodore to go back. While Adrienne sent him away, she thought if he could visit more often, she would be able to enjoy more delicious food.

A few days had passed, but there weren't any new updates on Theodore's investigation.

After thinking for a while, he gave Christopher a call and asked him about his investigation.

"Same as yours. I still feel that this matter has something to do with Saniogo."

"Christopher, have you ever suspected Missha?"

"Are you nuts? You have seen how well she treats Everleigh. Why are you suspecting her all of a sudden?" Christopher questioned him rudely.

However, Theodore thought otherwise. Missha loved all the children in the Jenkins family, but her love for Everleigh was a little too much.

Especially the gemstone that she previously gifted her; it was worth a fortune and she gave it to her just like that. It would be much more reasonable if it was gifted to Cynthia. After all, they had spent more time together for many years.

"Christopher, you can't judge a book by its cover."

"Have you even seen Missha's true nature? If Everleigh finds out about it, are you sure she'll be happy with you? Theodore, your suspicions have to be supported with facts. You can't just follow your instincts. When you decided to hurt Everleigh back then, were you following your instincts too?"

His irrefutable words left Theodore speechless. He couldn't argue back.


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