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Deep Love Hidden From Him novel Chapter 542

Everleigh grabbed Missha's hand. They had eaten all kinds of food here, and it was unnecessary to pamper them with more snacks.

"Oh, take it as a gift from their grand-aunt. You sit still." Missha was determined to go.

Everleigh couldn't stop her but let her do whatever she wanted.

Just by the thought of meeting with the children, Saniogo was overwhelmed with joy.

"Just let her be. Your aunt was often alone abroad, and now, she's eager to share some family affection," he said.

Moreover, Alastair and Adrienne were easy to like, and they deserved the best.

"Everleigh, please don't get involved with the issues of the Godfrey family. Even though Theodore has high capabilities, I hope that you will stay out of it." It was only through this matter that Saniogo realized how ruthless Wilson was. He continued to compete, knowing that his funds were insufficient.

No words could describe such actions.

Everleigh remained silent. She understood her uncle's intention and explained, "I understand what you mean, and I'm not involved in it. I just want to know whether it might burden Theodore."

"Nah, Theodore is no pushover," Saniogo replied.

Theodore's abilities to conquer through difficult times was enough to bear witness to his capabilities. He believed that Everleigh wouldn't suffer if she stayed by his side, and that was all that mattered.

As an elder, he wished for the younger generation to live a good life.

"Yes, I believe in him too," she replied with a smile on her face after hearing what her uncle had said.

Saniogo saw the delight on her face. However, a sudden thought crossed his mind. "Everleigh, keep in mind, no matter what your aunt says, don't make any promises," he warned.

She was confused upon hearing the warnings.

Could it be that her Aunt Missha was planning on something else?

"Uncle, what do you mean by that?"

"Everleigh, your aunt has always been striving for perfection. If you want to live a good life, then don't agree to any of her requests," he said with a stern look.

He had already known what Missha was up to.


Everleigh thought that it wasn't a big deal and said, "Of course I won't agree with her. I have next to zero interest in doing business."

He wanted to say something, but he swallowed back his words after listening to what she had replied.

He decided to let it pass.

The first thing Alastair and Adrienne did when they entered the house was give Saniogo a bear hug.

He enjoyed their affections and hugged them back. Moreover, Missha had also bought a lot of snacks for the children.

Adrienne was delighted.

"Thank you, Grand-Aunt." Adrienne's words made Missha very happy.

Because Missha was leaving soon, they decided to stay for the night.

Adrienne and Missha went to talk to each other, while Everleigh and Saniogo sat on the sofa to continue their conversations. Meanwhile, Alastair let himself into Alexander's study.

Alexander was seated in the middle of the room, attending to the tasks at hand. Alastair walked over to him.

"Uncle Alexander."

"Hey there, Alastair. Have a seat."

Alastair did not sit on the couch. Instead, he walked to the front of Alexander and looked at the documents on the table. He recalled the things he'd encountered in the Trevino family.

"Uncle Alexander, as the chairperson, what's the so-called economic benefits?"

"Economic benefits refer to the decision you make. If you want to run a company, you must have a long-term vision to position your status. You can't rely on other people's opinions, but to observe wisely."

Alastair looked down and thought deeply. "That requires a certain amount of strength."

"Yes, strength is part of it, so you have to work hard." Alexander knew that the boy was not the type who could be manipulated easily.

He believed that Alastair would come up with a good idea in this matter.

During the night, the lights were lit longer than usual in the house of the Jenkins family. Alexander and Everleigh then sent Missha off.


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