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Deep Love Hidden From Him novel Chapter 566

With the new medicine in her hand, Everleigh injected it into Xavier's body. Theodore was watching from the side. Seeing that he didn't have much of a reaction, his heart felt slightly more at ease.

A day had passed, and she had been observing Xavier's heart. Benedict heard about it and came to visit. Xavier's identity was one of the reasons, and Everleigh's new medicine was the other.

"Everleigh, what is the situation now?" Benedict asked.

She studied the data in her hand and said, expressionless, "It seems that there is no reaction at this moment. We'll know more after the next injection."

"Everleigh, you're now the center of attention in the hospital. You have to crank up your efforts." He had great expectations for her.

She smiled helplessly. "Mr. Lawson, don't expect too much from me."

"At least you're the first person in the hospital to succeed in medical research." Benedict didn't want to burden her with expectations, but she was the only doctor who succeeded so far. Most of the people involved in medical research were mainly in their old age. Only a few youngsters had participated.

"I'll tell you when the new data is out." She snapped the notebook shut. She didn't care about the results. Her only wish at that moment was that Xavier was fine.

When Madison came over, she saw that Xavier's complexion had recovered rapidly. His eyes were tightly shut, as if he was sleeping.

Everleigh came over after having her meal. Seeing Madison sitting on the bed, she hesitated for a moment and decided to walk away.

She was not afraid of her, but there was no need to confront her face-to-face, especially when she was in Xavier's ward. The most important thing for him was to rest.

Christopher watched her return and asked curiously, "Did the examination finish so soon?"

"Madison's in the ward. I don't want to quarrel with her," she said helplessly.

He nodded and had a sudden thought. "Speaking of which, the person I dispatched for the investigation has dropped me a message about Derick's whereabouts."

She was shocked. After all the things that had happened during this time, it had slipped her


"Really? Where is he now?"

"He is around the area of Haviden City. I've gotten people to continue the search."

She frowned slightly. "Haviden City, isn't that..."

"Everleigh, you should be prepared. Even if we find him, I don't think he will tell us the truth." He was concerned that even if they had found Derick, they wouldn't be able to wring the truth out of him, which was the most annoying thing.

She shook her head; this possibility was not very high.

"Wilson is also looking for him. His purpose of finding him is to kill him. Say, who would he choose to believe in?"

"I'm afraid that Derick is an idiot."

"Is he really an idiot, though? Would it cross an idiot's mind that Wilson is out to kill him? Would he run away and stay under the radar till now?" Everleigh refuted Christopher's words.

He was a smart man, otherwise he wouldn't have figured out that Sanchez's death had something to do with Wilson.

But why was he in Haviden City?

Christopher didn't know how to respond to her rebuttal. Her words were reasonable.

In the evening, Everleigh arrived at Xavier's ward. At the same time, Theodore was also there. He was worried about his brother's situation.

"How long has he slept?"

"It's been a day. I mean, the effect of this medicine is to sleep." Everleigh seriously doubted whether she had given him an overdose.

Why would Xavier sleep like a log?

She didn't inject any other medicine either. She continued to observe the situation. It was past eleven at night when Xavier was finally roused, but his entire body felt sore.


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