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Deep Love Hidden From Him novel Chapter 71

The event of the day was held by the medical department, and Dr. Harrison was the main spokesperson. He gave his lecture just like how he would do so in his classes, awing his audience. When it was time for the question and answer session, no one dared to throw any questions at him.

"Does anyone have questions?" Dr. Harrison looked at the audience with a straight face and said unhappily, "When I was your age, my teachers would be bombarded by my questions, as if afraid that they had no time to answer all my questions."

No one said anything after Dr. Harrison mentioned his experience.

Stainley and Everleigh exchanged looks and giggled knowingly.

It was common knowledge that Dr. Harrison liked to throw pop quizzes at his students. Those who were unable to answer the questions would always be treated with a scolding they would never forget. So, who with the slightest conscience would dare to talk back to him? The more they argued, the worse they would be treated.

Dead silence took over the room. It was probably so quiet that one could hear the sound of a pin falling to the ground.

"Ahem... Do you really have nothing to ask?" Everleigh faked a cough and took the microphone in front of her, saying, "Dr. Harrison, this year's students must be way better than we were back then. They don't have any questions related to today's topic."

Dr. Harrison's face showed obvious displeasure.

Nathan Morgan broke out in a cold sweat as he stood next to Everleigh. The man was the head of the medical department of Ocpeace Medical University, and he was commonly known as Dr. Morgan.

Everleigh eyed the audience and said, "Well, if you don't have academic questions, why don't you throw Dr. Harrison some casual questions? For example, you can start by asking him how to cook an excellent dish of pork ribs."

Everyone in the conference room was taken aback.

Everleigh remained calm and continued, "The pigs in our science laboratories are all well-fed. It's a whole new knowledge on which of their body parts are best-suited to cook different kinds of dishes, and how we should cut the parts accordingly."

Stainley coughed from her side, or at least he pretended to. He knew every pair of ears in the room could hear him, but he still lowered his voice and whispered to her, "Everleigh, if you go on like this, I'm afraid Dr. Harrison will find out the truth. You know, the one where you ate all of his laboratory pigs back then." As soon as he finished his words, students under the stage could no longer hold their laughter.

One student laughed first, followed by a second one. Soon, it became a domino effect. Everyone was laughing their hearts out, livening the air around the room. Just one minute ago, the atmosphere had been serious, but now, it became more vibrant.

Dr. Harrison coughed twice, loudly enough for everyone in the room to be able to hear him. Everyone's lips were suddenly pursed. No one dared to make another sound.

Dr. Harrison then said, "Why are you teaching them this rubbish instead of the useful stuff?"

Everleigh replied confidently, "I've done the experiment, so let's not let it go to waste. Besides, I don't know how to make good pork ribs. It's all Mrs. Harrison's work. Dr. Harrison, I'm sure you've had your fair share of it too, haven't you?"

"You sure are very reasonable," Dr. Harrison's words dripped with sarcasm.

"Yep, it's pretty reasonable."

Just a moment ago, the audience had been quiet. Now, the whole room was taken over by their hysterical laughs once again. They wondered who this student was. She had the guts to argue with Dr. Harrison! No one had ever seen that, not until that day. The room turned lively again.

"Who is she? Which year did she graduate from? Isn't she interesting?"

"I heard that she's Dr. Harrison's prized student and she's our senior by ten years."

"She's got a pretty face and a charming demeanor!"

"I heard that she's also the hospital's Deputy Chief Surgeon. It's impressive that she's holding such a demanding position at such a young age. I can only recall a few of our seniors who are capable of such a feat!"

Various remarks and praises were heard.


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