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Deep Love Hidden From Him novel Chapter 79

"Okay." A staff member brought over a baby panda and taught Theodore how to interact with it.

Pandas always looked tame and harmless, but their scratches or bites could always spell disaster. The public was not often allowed to openly take photos with them as behind their innocent looks, all pandas shared a horrifying combination of sharp teeth and a strong bite force that should be taken seriously.

While Theodore was playing with the panda, the two children were squatting next to each other as they watched the interaction excitedly. Alastair, who had always had a cold attitude towards everything, also displayed an unprecedented interest in what was happening.

Adrienne squatted and Alastair pulled her back a little to maintain a safe distance.

Blinking her eyes, she held her chin with both hands and asked the employee beside her, "Does it have a name?"

"Yes. We call her Poppy," the employee answered with a smile.

"Does she only eat bamboo?"

"No, of course not. Like children, she has to eat fruits and some meat or she will become malnourished."

"Oh, I see!"

Adrienne looked enlightened, as if she had just learned something new.

"Okay, it's time for the photos!"

As the staff did not notice any conflict between Theodore and the panda, he signaled for the cameraman to get ready for the photography session.

"Daddy, please sit closer to Mommy. You can use the tools nearby to play with Poppy and the photographer will capture the scene. It'll look more natural that way."

"Come on, Mommy! Closer please!"

Good- looking people were always welcomed everywhere they went. A usual photography session would usually take five minutes, but the one with Everleigh and her family had been going on for almost 10 minutes now. In the beginning, Everleigh was a little awkward. Then she became somehow affected by the atmosphere as she happily fed the panda with her children. Gradually, she even forgot that the photographer was even there.

When the photo was ready, the only copy was given to Everleigh, who carefully stowed it inside her bag.

She knew that once she left the zoo, she would never see it again. She felt lucky to at least have a photo of the memories of that afternoon.

Everleigh's mood improved when she left Panda World. In fact, she had stopped worrying too much about the day. Looking at her children's happy faces, she decided that the past seven years did not exist. That afternoon would be a gift from fate for her and her children.

More and more dark clouds gathered in the sky, until the last rays of light were finally covered by them.

Soon, the sky was taken over by lightning, followed up by a heavy downpour. Thedore and Everleigh brought the children out from the Hippo House, each of them holding one child. They reached the entrance of Dolphin Auditorium just as the rain became heavier.

Sheltered inside Theodore's arms and covered by his coat, Adrienne poked her head out and sighed, "What heavy rain!"

Everleigh quickly took some tissue paper out from her bag and passed it to Theodore. "Use it. You're all wet."

Rain had drenched Theodore's once clean and neat hair. He casually brushed off the raindrops off his chin with his own handkerchief and asked, "What are you talking about?"

Everleigh shook her head. "No, it's nothing. I mean, it's a good thing that I had an umbrella with me. Alastair and I didn't get too wet."

The umbrella she'd brought with her was only big enough to cover her and Alastair.

Adrienne hid her neck in Theodore's suit, revealing a small hand holding the edge of the suit. She smiled and said, "Mommy, I have an umbrella too. I'm not wet!"

Everleigh glared at her and said, "It's all because of you. If you didn't insist on coming here, Theodore wouldn't get wet like he is now."

"It's just a little rain." Adrienne stuck out her tongue, as if she was not afraid of anything.


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