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Deep Love Hidden From Him novel Chapter 83

If there was something Everleigh was very good at, it was definitely how she could suppress her emotions by busying herself with her work and studies. She had mastered it seven years ago.

The day Godfrey Group announced Theodore and Josephine's wedding, she'd personally completed three operations. She only went home when the clock struck eleven o'clock in the evening. When she reached home, she was so tired that she had no strength left to take a shower. She laid on her sofa, unwilling to even move.

She received a voice message from Christopher.

Everleigh turned on the speaker and played the message. Christopher's casual voice echoed in the room. "Baby! I did the procedure and I'll be back two days later! Wait for me!"

The word "baby" made the hair at the back of her neck stand. She quickly composed a reply, "No, you'd better not come back."

"How can that be? I want to go back and look at my precious daughter! You're done for if you're not taking good care of her!"

Christopher, like most men, had a unique love for his daughter. However, due to his playboy personality, he could not live a peaceful life, so he devoted all his love for his daughter, Adrienne.

Adrienne seemed to have inherited her unruly behavior from Christopher.

Everleigh refused to talk further with Christopher, so she left her phone on the sofa, took a shower and went to bed.

A lot of things were packed in her mind. First, she had Dr. Harrison's thesis to worry about. Second, she had a lot of operations to attend to for the next two days and lastly, she was to report for work at Ocpeace Medical University soon. There was no part in her brain where she could think of anything else.

Everleigh stayed at the hospital for the next week.

She had no need to worry about her children since they were staying with her father. She worked overtime almost everyday and she also performed the most operations among her colleagues. Dr. Harrison was a little worried when he saw her.

"Skip the operation tonight, will you? Why are you working so hard?"

"It's fine." Everleigh took a sip of tea in her thermos cup and said, "It was already arranged for me. I'll go home when I'm done."

"Enough is enough." Dr. Harrison shot her a glare. "Go home early for the day. Just look at you! If you go on like this, you're going to look like a 40-year-old when you're only 30."

Dr. Harrison did not wait for Everleigh's answer. He turned towards the doctor next to him, "I'll take care of Everleigh's operation tonight. If the patient's unwilling to compromise, push the operation to next week."

The doctor smiled, "You're the top surgeon in this hospital! I don't think the patient's going to turn you down."

"You don't know that yet." Dr. Harrison stared at Everleigh, "I fear that this hardworking lady over here is going to operate on all the patients in this hospital."

Everleigh felt helpless. She looked at Dr. Harrison and the doctor next to him before smiling at both of them.

Her arranged operation had been taken away from her by her mentor. She was about to drive and fetch her children from the Trevino family mansion when she received a call.

It was from an unsaved number. Everleigh answered the call suspiciously, "Hello?"

"Am I speaking to Madam Trevino?"

The female voice talking on the phone sounded familiar to Everleigh. She finally recognized it and said, "Oh, is this Miss Allen?"

Miss Allen was responsible for student admission procedures of Sapphire Elementary School. Everleigh had talked to her before when she had gone to the school to pay the school fees.

When the payment had been made, Everleigh was informed that her children could begin their schooling in September. The admission procedure was simpler since it was a private school.

'Yes, it's me."

'Miss Allen, what can I help you with?' "We found some problems with your children's applications. I'm sorry to say this but I'm afraid they cannot be admitted into the school this September."


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