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Desires Die Hard novel (Anya and Evan) novel Chapter 113

In Chapter 113 of the novel "Desires Die Hard," Anya and Evan will face thrilling and intense new challenges. After being apart for a long time, they will confront overwhelming emotions and uncover secrets from the past. Desires Die Hard novel Anya and Evan Chapter 113 novel read online Free PDF

Chapter 113 

After Evan cursed himself, he hurriedly showered with warm water spraying down on him

As the water ran over Evan, he could not help having a reaction, so he quickly turned off the tap

He hurriedly walked out of the shower with drops of water trickling down his body as he took a bathrobe from the closet 

and put it on

He raised his head to press his brow and his throat felt constricted

After calming down, the sensation running through his body gradually faded and he went back to normal

How could he have fantasies about sleeping with Anya after she spilled some juice on him

Was he that desperate

Did it have to be her

Evan felt he must have reacted so strongly because he had not slept with any other woman for such a long time

From the looks of it, it was about time for him to seriously find a woman and take her home to meet his grandmother

Evan stood in the room briefly before he finally stopped frowning. He took a cigarette from the table, placed it in his mouth, and lighted it with a click

An orange flame shot up from the lighter as smoke wafted through the room. He finally threw those inexplicable fantasies out of his head. After calming down, he gave his lawyer, Mr. Cornwall, a call to check on the paternity test results

Mr. Cornwall immediately replied, Mr. Welton, I have the paternity test on a rush order. They told me it ought to be ready by 


Okay. Got it,acknowledged Evan softly before hanging up the phone. He took off the bathrobe and changed into a set of clean shirt and pants

After he was done changing, he reverted to his usual calm and lofty self as he walked out of the room

Meanwhile, at Nordeny Villa

Anya told Lola about her wedding dress design concepts. Since they were similar in personality, they had a lot of things in common as compared to Tammy

After chatting for about ten minutes, bola was happy with Anya’s ideas

Also, she gradually let down her guard against Anya

Even though Lola never ate an outsider’s cake, she told the maid to cut a slice of cake for her as she was getting along so 


Chapter 113 

well with Anya 

The maid immediately took an exquisite dessert fork and cut some cake for Lola 

After the maid cut a small slice of cake, Lola failed to notice the mango puree inside the cake and ate the cake elegantly

Lola started to itch and she could feel her throat constricting. She had a lot of trouble swallowing 

Lola swayed as she supported herself with the couch. Everyone was startled to see this, including Anya 

Anya anxiously helped Lola up, but Lola shoved her aside and said with a lot of difficulty. Wwwas there mango in the cake?She had been allergic to mango ever since she was a kid 

If things got bad, she might even pass out, so there was never any mango in her house

Also, she only ate the cake when she checked to see if there was no mango 

From the looks of it, there was mango in the cake. Otherwise, she would not suddenly have an anaphylactic shock 

Ms. Mars, I will get Mr. Zack to prepare the car.The maid had served Lola for years and knew of her condition and felt she might be having an allergy attack, so she called the chauffeur, Mr. Zack 

After Anya got pushed aside, she bumped into the coffee table. She was in so much pain that tears nearly trickled from her eyes. However, she suppressed her pain and checked on Lola first. Ms. Mars, I didn’t know there was mango in the cake” 

The moment Anya finished her sentence, she recalled Tammy giving her the cake this morning 

She was still too green to the industry 

How could she be so careless whenever people tried to sabotage her

It was naturally too late to regret and she had to focus on helping Lola 

Ms. Mars, I am so sorry. Let us send you to the hospital.Jake was oblivious to why a small piece of cake would cause such a severe reaction in Lola. He hurriedly apologized as he offered to send Lola to the hospital personally 

It’s fineThe maid hurriedly refused his offer. Ms. Mars is a celebrity. It will only draw attention to the public if you send 

her there” 

The moment the maid finished her sentence, Mr. Zack came in. Both of them helped Lolaout 

Jake looked at the situation and frowned as he said, Let’s go over to the hospital and find out more. It looks really serious.” 

OkayAnya could sense the severity of Lola’s condition as well, so she was at a loss


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