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Desires Die Hard novel (Anya and Evan) novel Chapter 147

In Chapter 147 of the novel "Desires Die Hard," Anya and Evan will face thrilling and intense new challenges. After being apart for a long time, they will confront overwhelming emotions and uncover secrets from the past. Desires Die Hard novel Anya and Evan Chapter 147 novel read online Free PDF

Chapter 147 

Evan returned to his seat behind the desk as Anya stalked out of his office

He picked up the blueprint and studied the designs for the set of kidsfurniture. Then, he pulled out his phone and called Hayden. Hayden, I need you in my office.” 

Then, he hung up and continued studying the blueprint

The young man couldn’t help but think of Anya as he stared at the blueprint. He recalled how she had fought against him and called him names. He wouldn’t have allowed anyone else to do the same. That person wouldn’t have stepped out of 

his office alive

But Anya had. Her scathing words had not upset Evan at all. All it did was intensify his desire to have her

It had been a long time since Evan had met a woman who didn’t yield to him

He swore that if he got Anya into bed, he would make sure that she wouldn’t leave the bedroom for the next three days

Evan’s thoughts wandered further and further away from the blueprints. That was when Hayden came knocking at his door hastily. The young man walked up to Evan’s desk and dipped his head politely. Mr. Welton, what are your instructions?” 

I want you to get a dress for Anya MacMillan. She’s a designer from JK Couture. Make sure it’s the best dress you can find,Evan said as he tugged his thoughts back to the present. Then, he started studying the blueprint before him again

It was Anya’s birthday today. He had done his homework and had remembered a few important dates

Birthdays were important. The woman deserved a special treat on hers

Hayden froze when he heard what Evan had said. He didn’t understand why Evan wanted to get a dress for Anya

The young man recalled that Evan used to despise Anya and wanted her to stay out of his way

What was going on with his boss

Caught by surprise, Evan’s personal assistant fell into a prolonged silence instead of replying his boss. Evan finally looked up and away from the blueprint. A sliver of displeasure rippled across his dark eyes. Do you need me to repeat myself?” 

Evan was clearly on the verge of throwing a tantrum. Hayden shook his head fearfully. Of course not, Mr. Welton. My apologies.” 

I’ll make the necessary arrangements immediately.” 

Hayden could feel cold sweat dripping down his back. The consequences of an angry Evan Welton were unimaginable

The young man turned around and was ready to leave Evan’s office when he suddenly remembered something. He turned around cautiously and asked in an uncertain voice. Mr. Welton, we don’t have Ms. MacMillan’s measurements. Tailoring a dress for her would be impossible without her measurements.” 


Chapter 147 

Evan wanted Anya to have a welltailored dress


But he had to have the woman’s measurements before he could get the dress made in the first place

Hand this to them.” Evan grabbed a pen and scribbled a few figures on a strip of paper quickly. It was Anya’s 


At least, it was what Evan believed were the young woman’s measurements after hugging her the last time

They were probably good estimates to work off

The young man threw the strip of paper at Hayden. I want to see that dress by the end of this evening.” 

10% 13:34 

Understood, Mr. Welton. Hayden caught the strip of paper. He didn’t dare to peek at the numbers written on it. He had a feeling he knew what Evan was trying to do

He was trying to woo the young lady

That was the only reason that explained why he was getting a dress for Anya

He had worked for Evan for a long time. He had never seen his young boss so drawn by a woman

Anya was the first

The man had appeared to dislike her in the past but minds changed. No one could tell what changed Evan’s

Perhaps the man simply had a sudden change of heart

Hayden knew that Evan wouldn’t be pleased if he knew that Hayden had taken a peek at the measurements written on the 

strip of paper

That was why the young man did the right thing by folding the strip of paper into two and slipping it into his pocket before walking out of Evan’s office

Meanwhile, Anya had returned to JK Couture fuming and boiling with rage and resentment

She was going to head back to her desk

That was when Jake walked up to her. He had a warm glass of tea in his hands. Anya, I bought this for you. Have some 


Anya wasn’t in the mood for tea. She had nearly been kissed by Evan again. The thought of that sent shivers down her 



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