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Desires Die Hard novel (Anya and Evan) novel Chapter 160

In Chapter 160 of the novel "Desires Die Hard," Anya and Evan will face thrilling and intense new challenges. After being apart for a long time, they will confront overwhelming emotions and uncover secrets from the past. Desires Die Hard novel Anya and Evan Chapter 160 novel read online Free PDF

Chapter 160 

Here he was, bringing Nathaniel up again

Anya had been prepared for this though. She placed the bowl of congee down on the table. Mr. Weltonyou don’t have to worry about Nathaniel. He’s got my cousin” 

Evan huffed. It sounded like an aborted laugh. He seems to miss his father” 

He has a father,” Anya replied coolly. Thank you for your concern for my cousin’s children, Mr. Welton, but it’s unnecessary. They’ve got parents who worry and care for them.” 

Is that so?Evan asked mildly before raising a glass of water to his lips and taking a sip

Yes,Anya sald firmly. Then, she paused for a moment. She didn’t want to linger too long on the subject. She knew that Evan had a way with words. The man knew how to set up verbal traps for his victims. She might let something slip accidentally if she weren’t careful. The young woman decided to switch the subject. Mr. Welton, I’m done with breakfast. Can I leave now?” 

Evan lifted the fork and knife off the table and started cutting his bacon. It’s the weekend. Why don’t you join me for a game of golf later, Ms. MacMillan?” 

I have errands to run.Anya had been dreading this. She had been worried that the man might try to keep her. She had 

been right



know how to play golf?Evan asked as he savored the piece of freshly grilled bacon. He looked the very picture of power and grace as he ate. His voice was slow and measured when he spoke again. I recall the MacMillans were avid golfers.” 

Anya froze momentarily. He was right. The MacMillans played golf regularly. It took her a moment to reply the man.


Her father had never taught her how

That was why she didn’t know how to play golf

That wasn’t the point though. Even if she knew how to play golf, she wouldn’t be interested in having a game of golf with 


That’s great. I’ll teach you.” 

The young woman found herself at a loss for words

Honestly, the young man had gone too far

Anya took a deep breath. Mr. Welton, I think you’ve gone overboard. I’m not interested in doing anything that involves spending more time with you.” 

I’m simply inviting you to a game of golf. That seems like a fairly reasonable request.Evan laughed. His long slender 

Chapter 160 

EN I 13:39 

fingers were splayed across the glass on the table. He looked up and stared straight into Anya’s eyes with his own ink black ones. Perhaps Ms. MacMillan thinks herself too good for my company.” 

Anya found herself at a momentary loss for words

She never said such a thing

Mr. Welton, I have a prior appointment.Anya didn’t want to get into an argument with the man

She tried her best to decline the man’s invitation politely

Sounds like an excuse to me.Evan said. He was right. Since you’re going to refuse me, I shall retract my invitation. I’m ordering you to join me for a game of golf.” 

Anya’s brow furrowed deeply. Incredulity and disbelief flashed across her eyes. Mr. Welton” 

Your boss just gave you a task. Are you telling me that you’re not doing it?Evan asked in a measured voice. Ms. MacMillan, that’s hardly professional. Are you going to refuse a task that your boss assigned to you?” 

She didn’t mind work. What she minded was Evan and being forced to hang out with him

The frown on her face deepened. Anya’s face gradually stiffened as she stared at the man before her

Evan had left her with no other option. She would have to quit soon


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