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Desires Die Hard novel (Anya and Evan) novel Chapter 168

In Chapter 168 of the novel "Desires Die Hard," Anya and Evan will face thrilling and intense new challenges. After being apart for a long time, they will confront overwhelming emotions and uncover secrets from the past. Desires Die Hard novel Anya and Evan Chapter 168 novel read online Free PDF

Chapter 168 

Sydney had not expected Anya to be undeterred in her advances on Evan. The desire to ruin her stepsister’s pretty face burned inside Sydney. In fact, she wished fervently that the woman would simply disappear from the face of the earth

That would mean less competition for Evan’s attention

But Anya was safe and unharmed while she had no idea whether her stepsister was currently romantically involved with 


If they were, Sydney was sure that Anya would call Evan and tell her what Sydney had just done

Anya hadn’t said anything about dating Evan though. She hadn’t threatened Sydney that she would tell on her as well

Did that mean that there wasn’t anything going on between Anya and Evan at all

Zachary had seemed really confident when he had spoken to her though. Like he knew exactly what was going on

th? Who


Sydney found herself stuck in a predicament. She didn’t know whom to believe. Who was telling her the truth? lying to her

She bit her lips and glared at the elevator murderously. All this while, the gears in her head spun furiously

It didn’t matter if Anya and Evan weren’t dating now

She was a thorn in her side. Anya couldn’t stay. Who knew what she was up to? She might be conspiring secretly and plotting to steal Sydney’s inheritance

Anya was the elder sister. They might not share the same mother, but they shared the same father. He was the one who was of MacMillan blood

The more Sydney thought about it, the firmer her conviction grew. She couldn’t let this go on

She collected herself, pressed the button to the elevator and returned to her office

She was going to speak to Mdm. MacMillan after she knocked off work today. The old lady would help her deal with Anya

Her grandmother adored her

All she had to do was tell her grandmother what she wanted. The old lady would have it wrapped in a bow and present it to her like a gift

Meanwhile, at Starlight Entertainment Agency

Anya was still trying to recover from the shock of having scalding water thrown at her face. It had been a close call. It took some time for the young woman to collect herself. After she finally calmed down, she headed into the agency, looking for Lola

She had made up her mind. She was going to get Lola’s bridal gown and Mdm. Welton’s coat done. Then, she was going to 


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Chapter 168 


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quit. She had to

She has been having second thoughts about quitting her job, but not anymore. Her mind was made this time

clutched the draft to her chest tightly and took a deep breath. She walked up to the studio and knocked lightly Anya glass door

v on its 

It didn’t take long before someone came and opened the door for her. It was a young woman dressed in a uniform. She must be the receptionist 

There was a look of wariness in the young woman’s eyes as she studied Anya. Hi, may I ask who you’re looking for? Do you have an appointment?” 

I’m a designer from JK Couture. I have an appointment with Ms. Mars. Please let her know that I’m here,” Anya said politely

The look of caution on the receptionist’s face vanished as soon as she heard that Anya was a designer from JK Couture. In its place was a warm smile. You must be Ms. MacMillan. Please step inside. Ms. Mars is waiting for you.” 

She hadn’t expected that Had Lola been waiting for her arrival

Anya froze momentarily. A sheepish look flickered across her eyes. Her voice sounded slightly subdued. I’m sorry. I was caught in a jam. I hope I didn’t keep her waiting for too long.” 

Don’t worry about it. She doesn’t have anything lined up in the morning,the receptionist said brightly. She knew that Anya was an important guest and was especially friendly with the other woman

Her friendliness helped. Anya stopped feeling so bad about having kept Lola waiting for her

She hurried after the receptionist as they headed to the dressing room, where Lola was

When they arrived at the dressing room, the receptionist pushed the door open. Lola was seated on the couch, dressed in a long, flowing dress. She seemed to be waiting for Anya

Anya stepped into the room immediately. I’m sorry for keeping you waiting, Ms. Mars.” 

Lola didn’t mind the wait at all. She looked up and smiled warmly at the young woman. Come on, take a seat. Then show me what you’ve got for me.” 

Of course.Anya sat down on the couch and handed her draft to Lola. The design’s inspired by the recent trend of long flowing dresses that try to replicate the interplay of light and water in a river. Take a look, let me know if you want anything changed.” 

Lola hummed softly before she began studying the draft


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