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Desires Die Hard novel (Anya and Evan) novel Chapter 179

In Chapter 179 of the novel "Desires Die Hard," Anya and Evan will face thrilling and intense new challenges. After being apart for a long time, they will confront overwhelming emotions and uncover secrets from the past. Desires Die Hard novel Anya and Evan Chapter 179 novel read online Free PDF

Chapter 179 

Evan would not stop frowning as he sat in his car while it sped down the streets. Anya had not replied to his texts

She must be panicking right now

The young man was not upset. He turned his eyes towards the window and gazed at the night sky calmly. After some deliberation, he pulled his phone out and called a friend. The guy was a cop

Evan wanted to ask his friend for a favor and get him to help keep an eye out for Eudora

Josh answered his call within seconds. The man checked the address that Evan gave him quietly. It was the address that Anya had fabricated. Evan, someone did file a report recently about an attempted abduction. But the address stated in the report doesn’t match the one that you’ve given me.” 

A crease appeared between Evan’s brows. What do you mean?” 

Ms. MacMillan’s address is recorded in our database, but it’s not the same address as you’ve given me,” Josh said tactfully. He could not reveal personal details of a civilian to anyone without a legitimate reason. It did not matter that Evan was a friend. I can’t share the address with you. I don’t have access to the information.” 

I hope you understand, Evan.” 

He did. The young man fell into a momentary silence. Have the patrol cars been sent out?” 

Yes,” Josh replied. They’re headed for Monk’s Groceries on Sedan Street. That’s all I can tell you.” 

Monk’s Groceries on Sedan Street

Evan could work with that. He would find out where Anya really lived. He had his ways

Thanks,” Evan said before ending the call. After a moment’s pause, the young man turned towards Hayden who was driving the car. Hayden, get me a copy of Anya’s application for her position at JK Couture.” 

Hayden eyed Evan’s reflection in the rearview mirror, then nodded. Sure, Mr. Welton.” 

The young man tucked his earpiece into his ear and called the HR department. He told the person on the other end of the line to get him Anya’s address

Evan had looked into Anya’s aunt but had not checked her address

He could not believe that Anya had tried to lie to him

Did she really believe that he was not going to find out

Head to Sedan Street,Evan told Hayden

Hayden slammed his foot into the gas pedal and sped towards Sedan Street immediately after he heard Evan’s instruction

1% 14:00 

Wohin ten minutes, Evan’s car appeared around the comer of the street

Hayden made a tum and started looking for the grocery store. That was when Evan caught a glimpse of the scene outside 

Someone was running down the streets. She had a child in her arms

No one was chasing her, yet the woman ran as if there were hellhounds snapping at her heels

The bizarre sight made the young man stare. After a moment, his eyes darkened. The child that the woman was holding in her arms was Eudora

The girl was walling. Her face was flushed from the exertion of crying

Stop the carEven told Hayden instantly

Heyden had no idea what was going on in Evan’s head. He threw a baffled look at Evan’s reflection in the rearview mirror before slamming his foot on the brakes

The car screeched to a stop

The door swung open. Evan dashed out of the car

The young man began running after the woman. He was clearly the faster runner. Within seconds, he had caught up to her. Evan grabbed the woman by the arm and seized her collar with his other hand. How dare you touch my daughter! Do you have any idea who you’re messing with?” 

The woman was caught in Evan’s vicelike grip. She had no idea who Evan was. She thought he had wanted to abduct the child too and burst out a loud wail instantly. Somebody, help me! Someone’s trying to take my granddaughter from me… 

somebody, help

The woman struggled to free herself from the stranger as she wailed

was to no avail

She continued crying loudly. “Somebody, please help! Won’t anyone help me? Someone’s trying to steal my grandkid” 

Her loud cries frightened Eudora. The girl burst into tears as well

Folks in the vicinity gathered around the three of them immediately. Many of them were ready to step forward and help the 

Let’s call the cops then. That’ll fix everything.Evan said fearlessly. Can someone please call the cops?” 

Everyone could tell that Evan was unruffled by the commotion that the woman had caused. In fact, the latter was the one stomping her feet and making a scene. She did not seem to care at all that the girl in her arms was wailing inconsolably

She was clearly the more suspicious of the two

Don’t listen to him! He’s trying to steal my granddaughter from me!The woman raised her voice when she saw the 


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