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Desires Die Hard novel (Anya and Evan) novel Chapter 33

In Chapter 33 of the novel "Desires Die Hard," Anya and Evan will face thrilling and intense new challenges. After being apart for a long time, they will confront overwhelming emotions and uncover secrets from the past. Desires Die Hard novel Anya and Evan Chapter 33 novel read online Free PDF

Chapter 33 

Evan was mortally terrified of receiving Mdm. Welton’s calls

That was because the only reason why she would call was to rush him to get married and have children. This annoyed him a lot

However, as much as he was annoyed by it, Evan still respect Mdm. Welton very much. He picked up the call as soon as his assistant pushed the floor button for him in the elevator

Once the call was connected, Mdm. Welton, who was walking her golden retriever in the garden of her mansion, immediately hinted at her grandson that she wanted a greatgrandchild. She spoke in a very lively tone, Oh Evan, I had a dream last night. Why don’t you guess just what kind of a dream I had?” 

Evan chuckled and replied, Oh grandma, it must’ve been a really great dream.” 

The truth was, he knew exactly what his grandmother dreamed about without even guessing

As the old lady patted the golden retriever in her arms, a subtle smile could be seen on her loving face as she said, Exactly. I had an amazing dream. Well, I dreamt that you’ve brought home an adorable looking wife and not to mention, your motherinlaw had even brought a pair of fraternal twins with her!” 

It seemed that all the old lady needed to be happy for the entire day was to think about the adorable and chubby little fraternal twins. If only that dream was real. She really wanted to cuddle up with those twins

Evan frowned immediately after he heard that. It was just as he expected, she was rushing him to get married and have children and this time, she wanted twins. Evan could not help but to applaud his grandmother’s imagination. He was uncertain if he could even give birth to a pair of twins and yet his grandmother was able to dream about it

Wow grandma, your dream sure is amazing alrightEvan replied as he snapped out from his train of thought

The old lady knew he was brushing her off again as her delightful expression instantly turned into a dispirited look. Her voice sounded slightly shaky as she lamented, Oh Evan, all I could do is dream. All I wanted is to cuddle up with a pair of twins and in the end, I get nothing. The only way I could cuddle with them is in my dreams. Say, don’t you think my life is quite pitiful as an elderly person?” 

Did you know that all of my friends already have greatgrandchildren? Did you know how lonely I feel every time I hang out with them? I watch them cuddling up with their greatgrandchildren while they have a blast as a family.” 

Oh, it hurts methinking about it now makes me want to cry.” The old lady lamented as she started to actually sob

She intentionally made herself sound extremely depressed

Evan could no longer keep himself together while he listened to her as he said, Grandma. If I meet someone I like, I promise to bring her home. The only thing is, the current state of Welton Group isn’t stable and I don’t think I can afford thinking about getting a girlfriend.” 

You keep saying that Welton Group isn’t stable all the time. Does getting a girlfriend have anything to do with you managing Welton Group?The old lady was furious when Evan brought that up as she exclaimed, Bring your beloved girlfriend home and I will no doubt treat her well. You don’t have to worry about anything at all.” 

You can work on your career and build the Welton Group’s empire as much as you want and I will help you take care of your girlfriend. I will love her with all my heart and will never allow any harm to come to her, okay?” 

Evan was speechless when he heard that. It seemed that he was no match against the old lady

I think about it, Grandma. I am in the middle of something right now. I’ll make some time to be with you when I’m done with work.” 


Chapter 33 


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