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Desires Die Hard novel (Anya and Evan) novel Chapter 40

In Chapter 40 of the novel "Desires Die Hard," Anya and Evan will face thrilling and intense new challenges. After being apart for a long time, they will confront overwhelming emotions and uncover secrets from the past. Desires Die Hard novel Anya and Evan Chapter 40 novel read online Free PDF

Chapter 40 

Mr. Wallace?Evan boomed as his eyes were squinted into a menacing look. He glared directly at Mr. Wallace who was staring at Anya at the moment. He then questioned the passed out lady in his arms, Do you know him?” 

Although Anya was feeling extremely dizzy, she could still clearly hear Evan’s voice

She immediately shook her head and sald, No, I don’tHe’sa client.” 

So it seemed that he was a client after all. Evan finally understood the situation and it seemed that he had misunderstood her earlier

He could not help but to silently curse, Such a troublesome woman Indeed.Evan carried Anya to the presidential sulte located on the top floor of the hotel as soon as he was done lamenting

The hotel seemed to be one of the properties he owned under his name. He was able to pick any hotel as he pleased

However, Mr. Wallace was displeased since he had put in so much effort into roofing such a beautiful woman. How could he possibly allow a complete stranger take her away? Mr. Wallace went after them to snatch her back

However, a few men in black suits appeared behind him after only taking a few steps forward

The men stood in Mr. Wallace’s way as they exclaimed. Mr. Welton doesn’t like to be interrupted by anyone.” 

Mr. Welton? Which Mr. Welton exactly

It seemed that Mr. Wallace still had not recognized who that person was. He scoffed, 1 will have to contact the authorities since you guys had. taken a random girl away.” 

  1. MI
  2. r. Wallace took out his phone and began contacting the police while he made that statement

One of the men that was dress in black suits immediately slapped his phone away, You want to call the authorities even though you aren’t exactly innocent, are you?” 

It seemed that Mr. Wallace relented immediately after the man in black said that. If he had actually contacted the authorities, they would have no doubt examine Anya’s body

If they had found out about the foofie he placed in her drink, not only would he tarnish his reputation, it would also affect his company. This would be a huge problem for him

Mr. Wallace immediately gave up on contacting the police

He gritted his teeth as picked up his phone before mumbling a series of silent rants, while returning to his room

He would never tell Jake about fate would be

Anya being taken away. Since she had already fallen prey to someone else, he could not be bothered to what her 

When Evan reached the presidential suite of the hotel, he brought Anya to his room

Using bright lights by the walls, he tossed the extremely unwell woman onto the huge soft bed

He had his collars unbuttons and it seemed that staring from his towering height, the woman seemed to have curled up into a ball due to the effects from the drug 

Chapter 40 

He stared at the woman’s purelooking face that was illuminated by the soft room lights. This had somehow made the outline of her face stand 

out even more

Dammit. This woman is actually quite pretty

Evan simply stared at 

at the



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