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Desires Die Hard novel (Anya and Evan) novel Chapter 43

In Chapter 43 of the novel "Desires Die Hard," Anya and Evan will face thrilling and intense new challenges. After being apart for a long time, they will confront overwhelming emotions and uncover secrets from the past. Desires Die Hard novel Anya and Evan Chapter 43 novel read online Free PDF

Chapter 43 

Anya cleaned up and got changed Inside the presidential suite before she hurried back to Ellie’s apartment

Ellle called her many times last night. Since she had passed out, she did not answer a single time. Ellie must be worried sick

Anya quickly arrived at the apartment entrance and took out the keys to open the door

Ellie was inside the living room playing with the children when she heard someone opening the door and promptly guessed it was Anya. She stood up to wait for Anya to come in

The door opened. Sure enough, it was Anya

Eille looked excited to see Anya. She pulled Anya’s hand worriedly to check on her. After Ellie was certain Anya was perfectly fine, she finally asked in relief. Anya, where did you go last night? I called you so many times but you did not answer. I was worried sick.” 

If Anya did not come back today, she might call the cops

I’m so sorry. I had to entertain some clients last nightI was busy discussing the project with them until very late at night.Anya rarely lied to Ellie unless she had no choice

Just like the current situation she was in. She could only tell Ellie a white lie, My boss banned us from making personal calls, so I couldn’t pick 


Anya explained guiltily. Since Ellie trusted her entirely, she did not suspect anything as she said, I see. Since you did not sleep a wink last night, you should get some rest.” 

Oh yes, Does this

s mean you don’t have to go to the office today?” 

“I do, but I have half a day off and only have to go in the afternoon.Anya nodded and headed to the living room with Ellie

Her children were sitting on the living room floor playing with wooden blocks. The moment Anya walked over, her children stood up and tottered over to their mother. They swayed Anya’s arm as they hugged her with their chubby little arms and shouted sweetly, Mama! Mama!” 

KidsI am so sorry for not spending the night with you.” Anya squatted down and carried Nathaniel and Eudora in each arm as she apologized

Nathaniel and Eudora could tell their mother was sorry, but they were not at the age where they could speak well. They could only hug Anya tightly and babbled unintelligibly

Their mother was the best person on earth, so even if she came back late, they would not get angry about it since they loved her

Anya, are you doing overtime again tonight?asked Ellie as she sat down with Anya

Probably notShe reckoned that Jake would not take her out to entertain clients tonight

GoodEllie smiled 

Let me 


breastfeed them first.Anya undid her shirt and breastfed the children

s as she breastfed them and felt overwhelmed by joy. She had to do a good job and 

Anya watched as her babies clingily curled up in her arms give her children better lives

The children were full in 15 minutes and sat around Anya as they continue playing with the building blocks. Anya sat by the side and played with 



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