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Desires Die Hard novel (Anya and Evan) novel Chapter 768

In Chapter 768 of the novel "Desires Die Hard," Anya and Evan will face thrilling and intense new challenges. After being apart for a long time, they will confront overwhelming emotions and uncover secrets from the past. Desires Die Hard novel Anya and Evan Chapter 768 novel read online Free PDF

Chapter 768 

The tinkling sound announced the arrival of the elevator

Hurriedly, Ansley stepped into the elevator and pushed the button for the top floor. The elevator climbed slowly after the door was closed

It reached the top floor ten seconds later

Ansley was awed by the magnificent corridor on the top floor the minute she came out of the elevator. The suites here cost 16 thousand dollars a night. No wonder it was heaven for the rich

16 thousand dollars was one year’s pay of a wage earner

But that could afford only one night in the hotel. Ansley marveled at the idea and was determined that she must lead a life that money was not a concern, having bodyguards, drivers, and all the best things that money could buy

Therefore, she couldn’t give up Evan

Not wanting to waste a minute longer, Ansley quickened her pace and pressed the doorbell of Evan’s suite

The bell rang again and again

Evan, who just took a shower and put on only a white bathrobe, answered the door when Ansley pressed the bell for the third time

Finding Ansley at the door, he frowned and asked impatiently, What’s your business, Ms. Campbell?” 

In a seemingly casual manner, Ansley said, Mr. Welton, I wanted to borrow the video that recorded the meeting I missed this afternoon.” 

She knew that all meetings would be recorded for future reference

No problem, please come in.” Evan lowered his guard since it was an official business

He invited Ansley into the room

Ansley was a little excited as she saw an opportunity to carry out her plan. She followed Evan in large strides while plotting her nextenove

They walked to a writing desk beside the French window and Evan sat down, turning on the computer to download a copy of the video 

Ansley moved closer towards him with a pretense of being eager for knowledge

Meanwhile, she pushed her chest forward and the button she had loosened before burst open and flew to the laptop in front 

of Evan

Intuitively, Evan turned to see what happened

Just at this moment, Anya who was dressed in a revealing onepiece skirt appeared at the door of his suite

With a bunch of roses in her hand, she knocked at the door to catch his attention. Darling, surprise!” 

That was a pleasant surprise to Evan, Why did you come here?He asked gladly

Because I miss you.Anya shot a glance at Ansley’s face and then the cleavage exposed tactfully

She had figured out Ansley’s intent on her husband

Chapter 768 

Narrowing her eyes, Anya walked slowly to Ansley and greeted her unperturbedly, Hey, Ms. Campbell.” 

Anya’s unexpected arrival threw Ansley into an embarrassment, but she faked a warm welcome. Mrs. Welton, so you’re here 



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