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Desires Die Hard novel (Anya and Evan) novel Chapter 78

In Chapter 78 of the novel "Desires Die Hard," Anya and Evan will face thrilling and intense new challenges. After being apart for a long time, they will confront overwhelming emotions and uncover secrets from the past. Desires Die Hard novel Anya and Evan Chapter 78 novel read online Free PDF

Chapter 78 

Never in Anya’s wildest dreams would she have dreamed of Evan kissing her

They were standing right outside Cindy’s apartment

She wondered if Evan had had too much to drink tonight. That was the only reason that could explain his bizarre behavior

He hated her, didn’t he

Yet, the kiss felt so real. Anya felt her head going dizzy as she struggled for air. She could taste it. There was no stench of alcohol in the man’s mouth

He tasted not of alcohol but of something sharp and clean

Evan was not drunk

Why had he kissed her then

Why had he offered to pay to spend the night with her

With the little reason that she still had left in her head, Anya gradually came to her senses. Evan believed that she had set him up and tricked him into bed. He must think that her services could be bought at a cheap price

The thought of that made her stomach turn

CEO of Wel 

He might be the CEO of Welton Group but so what

He might be the man she had once been madly in love but so what

He was kissing her. But had he sought her consent before doing that

Anya gave Evan a hard shove and pushed him away. Her fingers had curled tightly into fists. She lifted her hand and sent it swinging at his cheek. Mr. Welton, you’ve stepped out of line. Perhaps you didn’t hear me the first time. I’m not for sale.” 

Having said her piece and given the man a hard slap for his inappropriate behavior, Anya clutched her bag tightly, turned around and headed for the elevator

Evan didn’t try to go after her. His eyes darkened as he touched the cheek that she had slapped. The look in his eyes sharpened with rage

He had to give it to her. She had spunk

He couldn’t believe that she had hit him

The young man stared at Anya’s slender form as she marched right into the elevator

After some time, Evan finally withdrew his gaze. He was terrified by the impulse that had seized in him earlier. Evan wasn’t an inexperienced young boy. He was a grown man who had survived countless trials and tribulations of the harsh world


Chapter 78 

He returned to his apartment. Slowly, the young man cooled down and returned to his senses

He had acted rashly earlier

What had caused his moment of madness

Why was he still thinking about that woman

Evan’s eyes darkened. He stared out of his window. It stretched from the floor to the ceiling. The night beyond was pitch 


The young man looked exhausted. He casually yanked his collar loose

Did he honestly want the woman? Or was it something else that he sought

It didn’t matter anymore

She had set him up and lured him into his bed a year ago. Well, he wanted her back in his bed now. Shouldn’t she be pleased

Perhaps she was playing hard to get

She was playing hard to get and denying it

Evan’s eyes fell shut slowly. He tried to shove the thoughts of Anya out of his head

But he couldn’the found himself longing for the taste of her lips

They were soft and tasted sweet. Like strawberries

The calm that he had carefully gathered fled him once again

Evan pinched his brow hard. He decided to abandon all reason

He had reached the appropriate age where he should have a lover

It didn’t matter that she was someone who had set him up

Evan pulled his phone out of his pocket and called Hayden. He told his assistant to prepare a contract. It was a contract procuring Anya’s services as his lover

He was willing to pay her two hundred grand every month


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