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Desires Die Hard novel (Anya and Evan) novel Chapter 82

In Chapter 82 of the novel "Desires Die Hard," Anya and Evan will face thrilling and intense new challenges. After being apart for a long time, they will confront overwhelming emotions and uncover secrets from the past. Desires Die Hard novel Anya and Evan Chapter 82 novel read online Free PDF

Chapter 82 

Mr. Lang, did Mr. Welton tell you why he needs me in his office?Anya asked calmly. She shouldn’t jump to conclusions so easily

He didn’t tell me why. Why don’t you follow me upstairs, Ms. MacMillan?Hayden smiled polite as the lie flowed from his lips. He eyed the young woman before him and thought privately to himself that there was no way he was telling her the 


Honestly, Anya was very pretty. It explained why Evan had instructed him to draft a contract last night that would make Anya his lover should she sign the papers

It was obvious that this wouldn’t be an ordinary relationship between romantic partners. Hayden had no idea if Anya would agree to such a relationship. He was honestly worried for his superior

Couldn’t the man court the young woman like how the typical young man would a woman he was interested in

Why was he proposing an illicit relationship that traded sexual services for payment instead

It was impossible to read Evan’s mind. He was but a mere personal assistant. How would he know what Evan was thinking

Right now?Anya asked reluctantly. She really didn’t want to go

She still remembered the kiss that Evan had forced on her last night

What if he tried it again

No way. What was she thinking

Evan could have any woman he wanted

Why would he try to kiss her again and suffer her rejection? He probably had questions for her

She was sure of it

Anya wasn’t ready to leave JK Couture yet

She needed to build her savings because there was no way she could take back what the MacMillans owed her mother 

without spending some money

Anya yanked herself out of her thoughts. She ended up following Hayden upstairs to Evan’s office

She had to keep her job at Welton Group

It wasn’t her lucky day today. Anya bumped into one of her least favorite persons in the elevator. Sydney

The young woman wore a deep red, skintight dress and a pair of red heels. She looked like a skank. She had a folder in her arms. Her face was caked in makeup. The young woman looked as if she were dressed for a party and not for work


Chapter 82 

The two young women exchanged a look with each other in the elevator. Anya twisted her face away and decided to ignore Sydney

Sydney had given Anya one of her murderous glares when she had seen her. She, too, turned her eyes away

Hayden remained clueless while the two young women were busy ignoring each other

His job was to get Anya into Evan’s office. He didn’t care about anything else

It didn’t take long before the elevator arrived at the lavishly decorated top floor of the Welton Group Tower

Hayden waited for Anya to step out of the elevator before following her out. The gesture caught Sydney by surprise. Incredulity and hate warred against the other as they colored her eyes

Didn’t Anya swear that she was going to stay away from Evan

What was she doing here with Hayden

Sydney curled her fingers into tight, angry fists. Anya had lied to her

She had lied. She had broken her oath

The young woman’s guts churned with rage and jealousy. She couldn’t help it. She was intensely and desperately jealous of her Anya. Her stepsister from a different mother

Anya was prettier and smarter than she was

She had always come out top in class when they had been in school

Sydney’s eyes were rimmed with envy. A streak of panic coursed through her head as she watched Anya make her way towards Evan’s office

She rushed out after her. She didn’t even care that Hayden was watching

Sydney seized Anya by the arm, then spat out angrily. Anya, you promised me. You swore an oath. So, what are you doing here?” 

out of her


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