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Desires Die Hard novel (Anya and Evan) novel Chapter 84

In Chapter 84 of the novel "Desires Die Hard," Anya and Evan will face thrilling and intense new challenges. After being apart for a long time, they will confront overwhelming emotions and uncover secrets from the past. Desires Die Hard novel Anya and Evan Chapter 84 novel read online Free PDF

Chapter 84 

Is there anything else you need, Ms. MacMillan?Hayden stopped in his tracks and eyed Sydney with indifference

Whatever he had observed of the young woman had left a bad taste in his mouth. She was rude and crass. However, she was still a colleague at Welton Group. No matter his opinion of Sydney, he would never show it on his face

What’s Anya doing inside Mr. Welton’s office?Sydney plastered a plastic smile on her face

The young woman’s bluntness had Hayden frowning instantly. He shook his head and replied politely. I’m not sure.” 

Are you sure you don’t know anything?Sydney’s smile seemed frozen on her face

That’s right. If you don’t mind, I have to get back to work.Hayden wasn’t interested in continuing the conversation with 


He was ready to return to his desk

Sydney stepped into his path and stopped him. Her voice was soft. Mr. Lang, please tell me. It’s no big deal. Anya and I are like family to each other. You can tell me.” 

Hayden froze. He had not expected that. That had nothing to do with him though. He was just Evan’s personal assistant. He wasn’t going to go around sharing his bosssecrets. He wanted to keep his job. It had great perks. He wasn’t stupid or 


I’m sorry, Ms. MacMillan, but I’m not in a position to question the reasons behind Mr. Welton’s instructions.Hayden took one step to the side and made his way back to his desk


y couldn’t get any answers out of Evan’s personal assistant

She stomped her foot and slammed her heel into the tiled floor angrily

She was going to wait. She needed answers and she will have them

Meanwhile, in Evan’s office, Anya’s heart raced as she made her way towards Evan’s desk slowly. She tried to push the memories of last night’s kiss out of her mind and put on a calm voice as she spoke. Right now, she was just a junior staff speaking to her boss. Mr. Welton, I’m here. Is there a reason you called me into your office?” 

Evan lifted his eyes and gazed at her through his dark eyes. He studied the young woman for a moment before finally speaking. I have a contract here and an offer for Ms. MacMillan. You might be interested in it. Take a look.” 

The man slid the contract across the desk

Anya had no idea what the contract was about but it wouldn’t hurt to take a look. She reached for the contract and picked it up from the desk. Her eyes scanned the contents of the contract quickly

She didn’t manage to reach the end of the contract. A dark look settled on Anya’s face. What was Evan trying to do

Was he trying to make her his mistress


Chapter 84 

Was he out of his mind? What was going on here

She remembered the hostility he has displayed towards her during their recent interactions. He hated her guts. Why would he offer to make her his mistress now

Anya honestly had no idea what was going on in Evan’s head. But she was certain of one thing. Evan didn’t like her at all. He had no love for her

He wouldn’t have insulted her with such a contract if he harbored even the slightest bit of love for her. He wouldn’t have offered to pay her to be his lover

The mere thought of such an idea infuriated Anya

I’ve read the contract, Mr. Welton. I’m not interested,Anya said as she tried to keep her temper under control. She took another step towards the desk, placed the contract down and slid it back towards Evan

If there’s nothing else, I’ll get back to work. I have quite a few matters to attend to.” 

Anya was ready to turn around and march out of the office right now

Before she could do that, Evan’s arm shot out. He grabbed her by the wrist and stopped her from taking another step away from him. The next moment, he was yanking her towards him and into his arms. The force of his tug sent Anya off her feet


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