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Desires Die Hard novel (Anya and Evan) novel Chapter 90

In Chapter 90 of the novel "Desires Die Hard," Anya and Evan will face thrilling and intense new challenges. After being apart for a long time, they will confront overwhelming emotions and uncover secrets from the past. Desires Die Hard novel Anya and Evan Chapter 90 novel read online Free PDF

Chapter 90 

There was a unique timbre to Evan’s voice. Anya knew it was him instantly

Startled, she whirled around and found herself staring straight into Evan’s dark eyes

It was Evan

What was he doing here

He should be at work

Anya wasn’t going to try and find out why Evan was here. He lived here, after all. He had every right to be in this house. She simply hadn’t expected him to be here right now

Anya was beginning to regret her decision to help Mdm Welton design a new coat

It seemed that she would be seeing more of Evan in the future

The young woman’s thoughts began to wander. She yanked her mind back to the present and pulled herself together. Then, she took a hasty step back and greeted the young man with an utterly professional tone. Hi, Mr. Welton.” 

She had every intention of leaving after that

The young woman shoved Mdm Welton’s coat back onto the rack and whirled around

Evan’s hand shot out, caught her wrist and pulled her back. He wasn’t a monster. She didn’t have to be afraid of him. Why are you running?” 

She hadn’t seemed afraid of him when she had lured him into her bed a year ago

Anya seemed surprised. She hadn’t expected him to pull her back. The young woman tried to tug her wrist free. Is there anything you need, Mr. Welton?” 

Have you reconsidered the contract?Evan asked patiently

Anya was ready to go out of her mind. Had she not turned the offer down

The man didn’t seem to understand the concept of a refusal

Perhaps he did. Perhaps he was simply desperate to have sex with a woman

Well, she wasn’t that kind of woman

Anya tried to keep her cool as she repeated her refusal. I’ve given you my answer. No.” 

It’s two hundred grand a month. Are you sure you won’t reconsider the offer?Evan stared right into Anya’s eyes. It was as 

If he were trying to look right into her soul. The young man knew that he was being a tad too forceful

Chapter 90 

But he was simply a man trying to pursue a woman he was interested in. He was simply following his most primal instincts

Besides, he had no experience when it came to courting women

In Evan’s views, women required no courting. He could simply buy them for a price

Anya didn’t share his views. Even if Evan were to offer her a million dollars every month, her answer would still be no

She would never agree to the terms of the contract. Trying to please Evan was akin to suicide

Besides, who would put themselves up for sale and offer themselves to this man

All Anya wanted to do was to stay as far away from this man. He had no idea what love was at all

Mr. Welton, I think I’ve made myself very clear. I’m not interested in the money and I’m not interested in being your lover.” 

No one turns me down, Anya MacMillan,” Evan said carefully as he narrowed his dark eyes. There was a hint of steel behind his words

Do you plan to force me to do something I don’t want to do, Mr. Welton?Anya spat out fearlessly. Her eyes flashed with 


I won’t make a woman do something she doesn’t want to do. I’ll find a way to make you say yes.Evan released his fingers on Anya’s wrist. His eyes were dark with hunger. You should reconsider my offer.” 

Anya found herself overcome by exasperation. She knew exactly what kind of man Evan was

He was a man who knew nothing about love

He had no idea how to court or romance a woman

Perhaps everything had come too easily to him. He had been blessed with beauty, wealth and power. He was the most sought after bachelor in the capital city

He had droves of women who would flock to him at the drop of a hat

The young man had enjoyed the attention and adoration of women since he had been a child

He would never humble himself to the lowly role of a suitor courting a young woman who had caught his eye


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