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Dominated By The Alpha novel Chapter 6

A week off work was quite relaxing! I got to rest, recuperate, sleep in and have baths and naps whenever I felt it warranted.

My depo appointment was boring. Just the usual. Bend over and get a needle in the ass.

Easy work.

Thursday evening I went to the local salon and had my waxing done. Legs, underarms and pubic area.

Being hair free makes me feel sexy, I have no idea why.

The guys had left me alone to rest and recover for the entire week. I felt lonely for the first time in ages. I have no female friends as I got hurt so much by bitching and lies when I was a teenager, so I took comfort in men and their dicks.

Once I was out of school, women saw me as a threat, thinking I'd steal their boyfriends or whatnot because of my reputation. That's not who I am. I always made sure my sexual partners were single first!!

Now, Saturday night, I am sat in front of the television with a large pepperoni pizza, popcorn, a bottle of diet coke and X Factor on.

"Get him off!" I shout out at the TV, throwing a handful of popcorn at the screen.

I admit, I get slightly violent at annoying situations and pathetic singers. X Factor is my secret passion, but I get so riled up when idiotic, tone deaf losers seem to think they can sing in tune!

"Oh seriously, do you really think you have a good voice? Get. Off. The. Stage." I groan at an idiotic, camp looking male who's singing Live While We're Young by One Direction, while popping his hip dramatically and screeching at the top of his oversized lungs. "I hope you realise you sound like a baboon on steroids?!"

I hear deep booming laughter behind me, and dart my head to the sound of the voice, only to be greeted with a harsh punch in the face.

Who the...?

I taste blood in my mouth, and I look up dazed into glittering green eyes. Who the hell is this man??

"Oh, hello sweetheart, I'm here to take you back to my master. He wants you. Time to go, baby." The guy states, as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.

My jaw drops, I shake my head furiously and my heartbeat increases a million times a minute.

"I am not going anywhere with you!" I screech, staring to get angry alongside my wolf.

The guy laughs again. "Oh, you tell the funniest jokes!" His poker face returns. "Oh, you will be coming with me bitch... or I'll make you."

My wolf growls inside my head. 'Like fuck are we! That idiot is only human. We could take him!'

I smirk, acknowledging this vital little piece of information, and stand from my space on the sofa. "Try and make me."

His face falls. "You think you can beat me? You're nothing but a weak little girl. I can, and will, make you. Just you watch." He threatens, making me laugh.

I feel my eyes darken, and the guy's face falls, his eyes widen in shock, my wolf starts to take over, wanting that idiot dead.

"Try me." I hiss.

Swallowing his fear, I watch as his stance changes, the son of a bitch stalks towards me, emulating power and dominance, but for the first time it doesn't have any effect on me.

This man is not my master, or my mate, and I have control.

I change my stance, readying myself to fight. Feeling cocky, I raise my hand, palm up, and beckon him foreword.

I had plenty of fight training in my teens as part of pack protection. "I'm ready."

Pulling his arm back, he squeezes his large hand into a fist, swinging it foreword in hope of punching me. Little does he know, I have restraint training and I grab his wrist, flip over his back and snap his arm with a loud crack, making him scream in pain and fury.

"You bitch!" He screams, clutching his damaged arm. "You're gonna pay!"

I smirk, crossing my arms in defiance. "I can handle anything you bring at me Mr GreenEyes!"

That only angers him more. "I don't think so. Even with a broken arm, I'm one of the strongest men in our team!"

I know this tactic. He's trying to distract me from the task at hand, so he can defeat me. "Oh? What team?" I ask sarcastically.

Smirking, thinking he's managed it, he continues. "We are a Dom company. We collect dominants and train them, and find them submissive souls to use and abuse. We know what you do, and one of our clients wants you, and only you."

I sigh. I've dealt with this many times before. Just because of Dean and his rank in the social and financial world, people find out what he does and who with, and try to use it against him.

I've been pursued a few times now, and as you can see, it hasn't worked!

"You really think that's gonna work on me? I have a Dom, and I won't be swapping to Doms who aren't as experienced as I'd like. My Dom knows how to treat me, and I like it! You can either give up and tell your 'client' I'm taken, or you can fight me and lose. Most likely, end up dead." I explain, my hands placed on my hips in defiance.

Mr GreenEyes smirks, and stalks again, his broken arm placed gingerly on his chest. Does he really think he has a chance? I'm a frickin' wolf!!

I'll let him make his move before I kill him. Fucking arsehole.

I decide I need to inform my mate, who is also the pack Alpha of what is happening, so quickly open my mind.

'Holden!!' I screech in my head.

I feel a jump of shock inside the walls of my brain.


'Yes! I have an intruder. Human, but he's threatening to kidnap me. I don't want to, but I'm going to either injure or kill him.'

I don't hear anything else. Does Holden care about me? Rude!!





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