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Domineering Lover novel Chapter 1019

Rose said with trepidation, "General... You're a general. Oh my god!"

Though she didn't know much about the military, she knew it was basically impossible for such a young man to become a general.

In peacetime, the only way to move up quickly in the army was to make military contributions.

The country was at peace on the surface, but there were many wars where people couldn't see them.

Caesar's military rank showed he had done this country a great service. She remembered that she had seen scars on him when they had sex.

It was not until then that she knew where the scars came from!

Each scar corresponded to every badge of his! Rose gradually changed from excited to serious.

"What's with the long face?"

Caesar gently cupped her face in his hands. Were women always this moody?

Rose held his hands and asked, "You must have had a long hard time, right?"

She finally understood why he was always aloof and distant. A man who'd been through so many wars couldn't be kind.

"It's all in the past. I'm fine now."

"Caesar, why did you quit the army? You even started a casino, doing the exact opposite of what you used to do."

Caesar frowned slightly. "Can I not answer this question?"

Rose bit her lip. Soldiers had to face and bear much more things than ordinary people. He must have his own reasons.

"Sure. Caesar, let's take a picture! That's one of my dreams!"

Caesar scratched the tip of her little nose. "Okay, but you can only take pictures with me."


The camera captured their sincere smiles. Caesar subconsciously frowned as she put her phone away.

Rose caressed his forehead. "Stop frowning, or my heart will ache. No matter what you've been through, I'm here for you."

Caesar held her tightly in his arms. He never thought that one day he would fall in love again. "Rose, stay with me forever and never leave me again."

"I won't leave even if you throw me out." Rose firmly believed that he was the one.

Caesar took care of Rose as if she were a baby. He even fed her.

This day, Rose's phone rang. Her last phone got thrown away, so Caesar bought her a new one. Her number was still the same.


"Rose, it's me! I know I'm not your biological mother, but I raised you up. You can't do this to me! Let me go!"

It was Lola. She sounded anxious, or desperate.

Caesar didn't tell Rose what happened to her so-called family, and she didn't ask. Therefore, she had no idea what Lola was doing.

"Mom, what did you say? I am not your daughter? Where are you now?"

"I'm in..." Lola hurriedly gave her an address and hung up the phone. Although Rose was mad at Lola, she wanted to know who her real mom was.


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