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Domineering Lover novel Chapter 1023

The next day.

Rose woke up early in the morning. The moment she moved, Caesar opened his eyes. "Are you awake? It's still early."

"Caesar, I can't sleep. Let's get up and walk around."


Caesar knew what she was thinking. His people were still sniffing around. That was more than 10 years ago. It was normal to have no information at this time.

They had breakfast in the town. The early autumn wind was soughing in the trees.

"Cold?" Caesar looked at her.

"No. Look, it's bright and fresh." The foliage glowed red

and yellow in the morning sunlight, making Rose feel better.

"It's almost autumn. I'm gonna buy you some new clothes."

Caesar was careful and thoughtful. Rose was still wearing her summer clothes. He needed to do something for his carefree princess.

"I'm good. I have clothes. I don't need new ones." Rose smiled happily.

She knew Caesar was loaded, but she never thought his money was hers.

"Rose, let me take care of you, okay? You're my woman, and I want to be as good to you as I can."


Caesar gently held her in his arms. "Rose, all you have to do is stay with me."

The sunshine fell on them, making a beautiful landscape painting. Rose felt as happy as Cinderella when she met the prince.

"I will."

"Baby, it's my casino's anniversary a few days later. Can you be my date?"

"I'd love to, but I've never been to an anniversary. What if I blow it?"

"I'll be with you, and everything will be fine." Caesar gently rubbed her hair.

Caesar decided to propose to her on that day.

Although they hadn't known each other for a long time, he was sure that he wanted to spend his life with her.

At noon, Caesar's phone rang. The dean of that hospital had migrated to Italian, and the medical records were no where to be found.

Rose felt a little upset. The trail just went cold. Without medical records, how could she find her parents?

Seeing the disappointed look on her face, Caesar hurriedly comforted her, "It doesn't matter. Did you forget what I said earlier? I can use your DNA to find your family. With all this technology, nothing is impossible. Give me some time, and I'll definitely find them."

Rose had no choice but to rely on him. She nodded. "Okay. I believe you."

"Let's go back to City A. You're not well enough yet. You need to rest. Leave it to me."


Rose returned to the villa empty-handed. However, she believed that Caesar wouldn't let her down.

After all, he was omnipotent in her heart. She just needed to wait.

Rose had nothing to do at home, so she decided to go back to the casino.


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