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Domineering Lover novel Chapter 1031

Even though Rose had not experienced such a scene, she could feel how bleak it was from the woman's description.

Maybe they didn't even know what was happening when they died. Moreover, they were like Caesar's brothers.

"You're crazy! How could you kill them? They didn't hurt you! You're a devil!"

"Yes, I am a devil. You know what? I've killed people of all ages. I only hesitated for a second when I killed Caesar's teammates.

"What could I do? I had to kill them, or my father would force me to kill Caesar!"

"Caesar's the last person I want to hurt. I love him, I love him so much..."

Rose could tell how desperate this woman was. "What happened after you killed them? Why did Caesar say you were dead?"

"It was all because of my father. He said he would let Caesar go, but it was a lie.

"He set a trap for Caesar, and he let Caesar see me kill his teammates.

"He wanted me to leave Caesar and continue working for him. As he expected, Caesar rushed toward me like crazy.

"My father's sniper took a shot at Caesar, and I took it for him. The bullet went through my chest.

"Caesar thought I died, but I didn't.

"My father took me back to Japan. All I could think was, when I got better, I was gonna go back to Caesar.

"It took me a long time to heal. My father was furious when I told him I wanted to be with Caesar. He tormented me every day in a way that made me forget Caesar.

"I was tortured for years, but I didn't change my mind. My father agreed to let me go on one condition."

"What's the condition?"

"In my country, you have to commit the happy dispatch if you betray your faith."

Rose had seen something like this before at the movies. This was gonna hurt like hell, wasn't it?

"Then did you..."

"Yes. My father saved me before I died. He asked me to do that to test my resolve.

"At that moment, he realized that I would never work for him again. He was very disappointed in me.

"If I weren't his daughter, I would have died. He drove me out of the family and let me go.

"I came back for Caesar. I know I betrayed him, but I was forced to.

"I want to be with him again, but he's with you. Miss Willis, you only knew him for a short time.

"It's not too late for you to leave him. You break up with him and I won't hurt you.

"I can give you whatever you want, including money, as long as you never see him again."

Rose had no sadness or joy on her face. "Miss, I'm deeply moved by what you did for Caesar, but I think I'm gonna have to disappoint you.

"You like him, and so do I. I'm not with him for money or anything.

"I like him only because he's Caesar. Sorry, I can't break up with him."

Everly's expression turned cold. "Miss Willis, looks like I'm gonna have to do this the hard way. Do you know how many ways I can torture you?"


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