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Domineering Lover novel Chapter 1052

The moment their lips touch each other, all those sweet memories came back to Caesar.

Rose had been innocent and happy, and Caesar could remember every detail of her expressions.

Rose looked best when smiling with her eyes like a crescent moon.

Now, the innocence disappeared from her smiling face.

"Caesar, stop." Rose was scared by his madness, and the fire set by Caesar almost swallow her.

Caesar tied her hands and pushed them to the top of her head. Then he unzipped her dress from behind.

"Rose, you have yourself to blame. How dare you flirt with others without my permission!"

"It's my freedom!"

"Screwed freedom! Let's bet if you have the strength to get out of bed tomorrow." Caesar sneered.

Rose learned from the past that Caesar had excellent stamina.

"Caesar, don't make me hate you!" Rose threatened.

"Then hate, if you don't love me. I don't care as long as you have me in your heart."

This frantic Caesar was new to Rose, and she didn't dare to resist.

"Caesar, you can't..."

"Can't what? Rose, since you don't love me, then hate me. Leave this hatred in your heart. Let's see if this body loves my caress as before."

Rose was mad with anger, as Caesar had never been so crazy, "Caesar, do you lose your mind?"

"Yes, Rose Xiao. Caesar is crazy for you."

Without any warning, Caesar entered. The pains caused tears to well up in Rose's eyes.

"Does it hurt?" Caesar wiped the tears at the corners of her eyes and then pointed at his heart, "It hurts too, from a long time ago."

He didn't stop, and the sorrow in his eyes got dense, "It hurts from the moment you left me behind."

'Rose Xiao, my love, I share the same sadness and pains with you."

"I am terribly sorry about our child, but you should know that I always want that child."

"I love to raise a family with you. I already got our wedding house ready and was planning our wedding in the coming Spring."

"I won't deny that I let Everly go because of former affection and was not willing to kill her."

"Only if I would foresee the sufferings and pain she brought to us."

"I felt pity for her, as she abandoned her beliefs, friends, and country."

"Humans are emotional. That year she serving her country shot Mill to complete her task."

"I would do the same if that order came to me. Perhaps you can't understand this."

"For us, the interests of the country always come first. I could understand her, so I wanted to call it even when she was still alive."

"I wished she could get over the past and start a new life. Then, what she did was completely out of my expectation."


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