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Domineering Lover novel Chapter 1056

There were a few people standing outside, and the man in the middle was leaning against the car with his hands in his pockets. He looked cold in the dim light.

Kenny once had the honor to meet Caesar, and no one dared to forget this Yama.

It was known to all that Caesar was ruthless, and whoever dared to mess up with him was courting death!

Kenny changed his expression dramatically. He had been the boss the last second but was servile now.

"Sir, sir, it's my pleasure to meet you here."

He walked towards Caesar with caution and produced a cigar instantly.

Caesar took out a Swiss army knife from his pocket and played with it expressionlessly and silently.

The blade was shining under the light. The silent Caesar was terrifying.

The hand with which Kenny handed the cigarette to Caesar froze on the spot, 'It can't be a coincidence that Caesar appears here!'

"Caesar, what can I do for you?"

Only then did Caesar look at him, "How is the cocktail?"

It took Kenny three seconds to answer, "Not, not bad. Caesar, please have some mercy on me if I did something wrong."

Kenny had a feeling that Caesar came for a reason, though he didn't figure it out yet.

Caesar threw the Swiss army knife in the air and then caught it steadily.

"How do you think of her hand?" Caesar continued to ask.

Something popped up in Kenny's mind. It was said that Caesar remained single for one woman.

No one knew who that woman was. Caesar loved her very much, but she chose to leave and disappear.

Before her disappearance, that woman ran a bar, and Caesar almost lived in the bar back then.

As time flew away, this sad love story was forgotten by most people. Now Kenny remembered this anecdote and felt desperate.

'So, this bar is run by that woman? That hot girl is Caesar's love?'

The appearance and the strange question seemed to prove Kenny's speculation. This realization frightened Kenny to drop on his knees.

"Caesar, I don't know she's your woman. Please be magnanimous and spare me once."

He knelt on the ground and kowtowed one after another. Caesar bent down slowly, got close to him, and asked, "Which hand?"

This question explained to Kenny why Caesar got a knife in his hand. He didn't dare to answer in fear that Caesar would cut off either of his hands.

Three seconds later, Caesar lost his patience.

"Then, I will take both."

He kicked Kenny to the ground and stomped on one of his hands.

This scared the sh*t out of Kenny, and he regretted that previous mistake.

"Please, please have some mercy on me. I am sorry, I am terribly sorry!"

"I won't kill you, but I will have your hands." Caesar snorted coldly and cut off Kenny's hand tendons in one second.

His move was so swift that Kenny didn't feel the pain at first. When he realized what happened, there was blood all over the ground.

"Caesar, this is that hand!"

Caesar sneered coldly, "It's too late."

In a wink, Caesar cut off the other hand of Kenny and said, "Stay here. His two hands are mine. I dare anyone to send him to the hospital."

"Got you."


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