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Domineering Lover novel Chapter 1096

Steve looked like he regained a lost treasure, and he fell into extreme happiness.

He wanted to hold and kiss Thirza but was afraid he would wake her up.

So, he could only lay on the bed on his side and stared at her again and again.

During Thirza's long fight, she was excited for the upcoming reunion and feeling sleepless. Due to being overtired, she now slept soundly.

She didn't wake up until 9:00 a.m. the next morning. When she opened her eyes, a pair of blue eyes appeared in the front.

"Sheep... Why, why are you here?" Thirza suddenly remembered that she was hiding in the wardrobe to scare Steve, but she fell asleep.

"Little fool, what if you are suffocating in the closet?" Steve scratched her nose.

Thirza felt it sweet. She had a lot wanted to talk to Steve, however, a whole night's sleep somewhat reduced her excitement.

Thirza held Steve's waist, saying, "Steve, I'm back.

I didn't miss our appointment." "Yes, I know, I didn't break our promise either." For so long, it had been really difficult for Steve, and he went through all challenges.

They hugged together tightly. "You said that if I passed the test and still loved you six years later, no matter how hard the future would be, you won't give me up." Thirza said.

"When have I ever lied to you? If you can come back to me, I'll definitely be with you for a lifetime."

"But how are you going to announce it to my parents?"

"To tell them the truth. Your birthday comes in a few days, many friends will come and celebrate it for you. I plan to tell them after that."

Actually, Steve was not pretty confident about Tracey and Adam's attitude. The better he and Tracey's relationship was, the harder it was for Steve to tell them the truth.

For making Thirza' s birthday party fully successful, Steve decided to save this secret until later the party to make sure it won't be destroyed.

Thirza stroked Steve's face, he seemed to have no change compared with when she saw him for the last time, the only difference was that he seemed more mature.

"Sheep, do you miss me?"

The person who lay beside Steve was never the little girl who asked for lollipops but a pretty confident woman.

Steve couldn't conceal his heart. "I miss you, I miss you every day."

"Me too." Thirza kissed him.

The real kiss was also different from the one that Steve had dreamed, as long as being touched by Thirza's lips, Steve lost his conciosuness.

Such a kiss with tremendous heat burnt Steve's body. Thirza kissed, at the same time, she touched his skin.

Steve grabbed her hand, "Thirza, no."

"Sheep, are you planning to hold it forever? I've grown up, and I'll be 18 in a few days. I can marry you."

So soon, Thirza would reach legal age for marriage, while in Steve's eyes, she was just a girl with only 18 years' life.

"Even if it's just days to your coming-to-age party, you're under 18. No way." Steve said in a hoarse voice.

"Fine. You're too honest sometimes. Let me help you out."

She approached to Steve's ear and said evilly, "Just like that night."

The memory of six years ago became clear in Steve's mind. As thought of it, Steve reacted more seriously.

Thirza comforted him like she did last time. She had no way to figure out why Steve had such strong endurance to hold his desire over the years.

Steve was almost losing control. He kept calling, "Thirza, Thirza."

They were inseparable these days. Thirza found a new way to flirt with him.


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