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Domineering Lover novel Chapter 1102

Last time, Aleigha left before Adrian woke up. She didn't know he would do so!

She knew he was a cruel man, now she personally tasted it for the first time.

"Who are you?" Adrian asked in a low voice. His eyes were as sharp as the eagle's. He looked at the woman who was about to suffocate vigilantly.

As long as he wanted to, she could be killed at any time.

Aleigha cursed in her heart as she couldn't answer at all. Her neck was still being clutched.

Less and less air she breathed in. In a panic, she took out the bullet.

This bullet was the evidence she saved Adrian, but it was taken by Emilia later.

Aleigha trembled and raised that bullet up. At a glance, Adrian found that he was bandaged with a piece of cloth of Aleigha's skirt. "Did she save me?" He thought and released her.

Aleigha covered her neck and gasped. Well, if Adrian used a little more strength to clutch, she would die.

"Did you save me?" Adrian's deep magnetic voice sounded.

"If not me, who else? Is this the way that you pay back to your savior? If it weren't my timely help, you already had died.

And you're heavy like a pig! I spent great effort to move you here!

Do you know that your wound was inflamed last night? It's me who takes care of you all night!"

In Aleigha's last life, she dared not to look at Adrian straightly. Coming to the next life, she magically lost love to this man and talked back loud with temper.

Adrian had never met a tough woman like her. She acted like a fierce tigress.

If the tigers was given a pair of wings, she would fly away to bite people!

Adrian didn't say anything but kept staring at her with his obsidian-like eyes.

Such a pair of eyes made Aleigha chill and wanted to flee.

She stepped back while Adrian approached over, like the hunter fixing his eyes on the prey.

"Don't, don't come over. I'm your lifesaver. I, I'm not afraid of you."

Although saying so, her body was honestly backward.

Until she was against a rock, Aleigha had no way to retreat.

Adrian leaned against the rock with one arm, and Aleigha was surrounded inside. He looked completely different from when he was asleep.

He was born with a strong aura. His delicate face came closer and closer.

Aleigha's heart jumped in an irregular rhythm.

"Why taking off your clothes?" He asked suddenly.

He saw Aleigha was wearing clothes when he woke up. He got mad was because he doubted she had taken advantage of him.

"You caught a high fever last night, and you shouted you're cold. I used my body to warm you up. Are you satisfied with this answer?

Please rest assured, I didn't take advantage of you. You hugged me all night, but I don't need you to be responsible for me."

In her past life, she didn't gain his love. In this life, she gave up on him. She would never do any dumb thing again.

"Did I hold her all night?" Adrian had a feeling. Last night, he slept very comfortably and had a sweet dream. It was all because of her.

He found she had a red face and looked a little angry.

"I want to..." He was thinking of something.

Aleigha's lips were red like a rose, which emitting charisma and tempted Adrian to kiss. As thinking, he lowered his head unconsciously.


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