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Domineering Lover novel Chapter 1215

The two men were bodyguards and regained their calmness soon.

"How much did she give you for this kidnap?"

The man, not injured, looked at Kendal and pondered for a moment, "We'll divide the sum of five million equally."

"Five million is too little for my life. However, you won't see a penny if Adrian gets you two."

"What about this? You two escort me to leave here, and I guarantee your safety from Adrain. Moreover, I will give you some money."

The men looked at each other with some surprise.

"You have 30 seconds to think about it."

She didn't want to wait anymore. The longer she waited, the more uneasy she felt.

"The Reid family got our families, and we can't live without them."

Aleigha nodded. She pointed her pistol to the uninjured man, "I understand."

"However, I have to do this for my own sake."

The man looked at her and nodded silently.

Aleigha fired a shot at the leg of the man, and the noise echoed in the mountains.

This scared the witness, Kendal, and she was frightened to death now.

There was a moment when she felt familiar with the composure and indifference showed by Aleigha.

Adrian! Aleigha was like Adrian.

That could not be a mistake!

This realization made Kendal feel a chill all over her body.

She underestimated Aleigha.

Aleigha didn't know how to drive, the two men were untrustworthy, and Kendal was limped now.

It seemed impossible for Aleigha to leave this mountain now.

Looking at the mountains around her, Aleigha felt helpless.

Her phone rang, and it was from Adrain. Before they could exchange a single word, the single was cut.

How terrible the situation was now!

"Get up, and walk out." There was no better way to get out of here, and Aleigha was anxious to leave.

"Are you insane? You will die of starvation or thirst." Kendal was born rich and couldn't stand such fatigue.

So, she refused to stand up.

"Then, stay." Aleigha sneered, turned around, and fired a gun to the tire of the car.

There were two bullets left in the pistol.

Kendal gritted her teeth out of rage, but she didn't dare to protest

She got up and followed behind Aleigha.

Adrian sent someone to search for the signal sent by Aleigha's mobile phone. Meanwhile, he began to purchase the Reid family's properties.

The Reid family was not doing well recently. The old generation couldn't catch up with the business trend.

While the young generation was good for nothing, except idling away in seeking pleasure.

No one knew how to run a company, but they had extravagant life styles.

They lost control of their company gradually, and there had been a large job cut last year.

The seemingly powerful business empire was no longer what it used to be. Adrian was fiddling with his phone.

He bought some of the Reid family properties at a low price and set up some traps in several important projects, which the Reid family participated in.

The Reid family would suffer great losses overnight. Adrian made preparations for this a few years ago.

The Reid family had been a thorn in Adrian's side for years.

Because of Aleigha, he decided to make it happen in advance.

Adrian would love to see the extermination of anything related to Darien.


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