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Domineering Lover novel Chapter 1248

Aleigha answered perfunctorily with a smile, "Yes, I found a separate office space."

After saying that, she lowered her head and looked at her shoes.

Lennon understood what she meant. He just didn't know what he had done to push her away from him.

"Aleigha, is there any misunderstanding between you and me?" Lennon reached out to hold her hand.

However, she dodged in a hurry. He held his hand awkwardly in the air for a moment, then slowly lowered it.

"No. It's just that I'm with Adrian now. I don't want to cause any unnecessary trouble."

Aleigha rubbed her shoes against the wet snow, looking absent-minded.

"So you still chose Adrian. I thought you were different from the other girls."

Lennon's tone of voice was full of sarcasm, and his attitude changed.

Aleigha raised her eyebrow and looked at him. It was the first time that she had looked at him


Her eyes made him uncomfortable.

"Yes, I'm just a vain woman. Please get out of the way, Mr. Landry."

Aleigha pushed him away and went straight to the office building.

Lennon stood rooted to the spot with mixed emotions. He didn't know why he had said that. Maybe he was just too angry.

He knew that Aleigha was not a vain woman. But he couldn't take that back.

Aleigha entered her company. All the employees were packing. They had to complete the move in a few days, so it was a lot of work.

Aleigha wanted to give them a hand, but her phone rang untimely.

It was from her classmate, who reminded her not to forget the class reunion tonight.

Aleigha wanted to say no, but her classmate said she was looking down upon them if she didn't go.

In the end, she said yes and went to the party.

It was in a high-end music restaurant equipped with all kinds of entertainment.

Aleigha was wearing simple clothes without makeup. As soon as she came in, she drew a lot of attention.

When she entered the big private room, she didn't see many classmates.

It seemed that she came early.

"Wow, why isn't you wearing a dress or makeup? Aren't we worth dressing up for?" asked Phoebe Robertson.

Phoebe was not from a strong family, but her father was in the coal business and had a lot of money.

Aleigha didn't know until school started that the students in her grade came from very different families.

Some of the students came from wealthy families, and some came from ordinary families.

Aleigha was put in a class with rich classmates because of her last name.

Everyone in this class knew about the Gardner family as well as the relationship between Aleigha and Adrian.

Still, some of her classmates liked to mess with her. They thought she was just a pushover because she didn't talk much.

"It's just a classmate gathering, isn't it?"

"Wow, looks like you didn't really want to come. It's so cold, why don't you just go home and use the heat?"

Phoebe looked at her fancy dress and glared at Aleigha. Then she turned around with a snort.

Aleigha sat in a remote corner, playing with her phone while having snacks.


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