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Domineering Lover novel Chapter 1294

Because of the sudden incident, no one noticed that Adrian had left.

"The cat was poisoned." A bodyguard came in with a plate of desserts.

The moment Lennon saw it, his eyes darkened instantly.

Aleigha suddenly felt relieved. Fortunately, she didn't eat them.

Otherwise, she might be the one getting poisoned.

"I think these desserts belong to that lady. I said I wanted to eat them before.

"But she stopped me."

A girl pointed at Aleigha, and there was no emotion on her ordinary face.

However, Aleigha clearly saw the fleeting pride in this girl's eyes.

Everyone looked at Aleigha. She got up helplessly and shrugged. "Isn't there a camera here?

"Check it and it'll all come out."

In fact, Lennon had sent someone to the surveillance room before she said this.

However, his man was late.

When Adrian came in with the surveillance video, Lennon knew that his plan failed.

"You'd better have fewer half-assed schemes and fewer meaningless parties.

"I'm here as a favor to you. Let me tell you, I'm not afraid of anyone.

"Aleigha's my woman. I'll protect her like I'm protecting myself.

"Anyone who messes with her is messing with me, and I never forgive those who mess with me.

"I'm serious. If anyone has any problem with it, come to me.

"Have you heard what happened to the Reid family? It could happen again."

Adrian threw away the surveillance video, went forward, took Aleigha's hand, and left without looking back.

The richest woman immediately knew what was going on and looked at Lennon with a very complicated look.

Lennon wanted to explain, but she waved her hand and stopped him. "Lennon, save it. I guess this is as far as we go."

No one'd seen the surveillance video, but the truth was out. People left one after another.

When they were almost gone, Darien walked to

Lennon with a glass of wine. "Is that all you've got? You can't even beat Aleigha."

"Shut up. Didn't Aleigha give you a hard time? You're no better than me."

"Oh, Lennon, maybe we should form an alliance."

Lennon sneered. "Why? What do you have?"

"You think I lost 5 billion and went broke? Well, you underestimated the Xiao family."

"Let's talk about cooperation some other time. The priority is to deal with Adrian."

Aleigha and Adrian returned home. Aleigha was so sleepy that she wanted to go to bed, but Adrian took her into the bathroom.

The two of them sat in the big bathtub.

"How much do you know about the Stewart family?"

Adrian leaned against the wall and closed his eyes. "It's the biggest family in Fripdence with only one daughter.

"We saw her today. Arrogant and rude.

"Her dad had her in middle age, so she was really spoiled.

"The whole party thing was just a trap. Lennon was trying to set us up.

"He's so stupid. He doesn't even deserve to be my


"Lennon used to be kind. His fall from grace has changed him a lot.


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