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Domineering Lover novel Chapter 1322

Ruby didn't dare to look around and kept the same post in the office.

"In your contact with Leona, did she mention any other things or people?"

After a second thought, Aleigha realized that Leona was against her and did nothing to Adrian.

Careless as Leona, she wouldn't be scrupulous about her plans.

She gave so much money to Ruby because of trust.

"She often asks about Mr. Xiao and nothing else."

After a moment, Ruby supplemented, "Well, there was a time when she brought a strange girl to our meeting."

"She didn't introduce that girl to me, but that stranger asked me one question."

"What's it?" Aleigha asked curiously.

"She asked if you had any relatives around."

In retrospect, this particular question popped up to Ruby.

"Well, you go back with Mill now. You know what to do."

Ruby nodded, got up, and followed Mill out of the office.

Then, Aleigha contacted Arthur in the economical investigation department.

In the detention house, Perla and Sean were still waiting for Samantha.

In the afternoon, dark clouds patched up the sunny sky.

A storm seemed to be on its way.

Aleigha went to the detention house alone, and Arthur was already waiting for her there.

In their first encounter, Aleigha impressed Arthur with her unusual calmness.

In their second encounter, Arthur found that Aleigha already became a bigshot of City A.

He assumed that she got her position in disgraceful ways, but his investigations told him another story.

His doubt in his investigation result was dissolved after Aleigha offered him a plan to catch her relatives who intended to extort herself.

Until then, Arthur realized that this girl was a tough nut.

Aleigha smiled at the sight of Arthur, "Mr. Maddox, I'm sorry for the trouble caused." "It doesn't matter. It's no big deal. I happened to

have work here."

Arthur scratched his head shyly.

Criminal police seldom came to the detention house, but Aleigha didn't nail the lie.

"Why do you want to see Perla?" Arthur was serious about his work. He was somewhat curious about Aleigha's request.

Aleigha glanced at him and said with a smile, "She and Sean are in the detention house, but we don't get Samantha yet."

"Samantha seems to have some plans recently. I hope Perla may know something."

"Is she setting you up? Please contact us if there is any danger."

Arthur was vigilant and advised Aleigha seriously.

"Well, I know."

Perla was brought to the interrogation room. Arthur turned to Aleigha and left after seeing the nod from Aleigha.

"What are you doing here? To laugh at us?"

Perla's eyeballs almost popped out when she saw Aleigha, and her skinny hands were clenched into fists.

"Compared with what you have done, I have shown some mercy on you. Samantha dug out my mother's cremains."

"In your opinion, how should she repay?"

Aleigh looked at Perla with raised eyebrows. The horror in Perla's eyes made Aleigha laugh.

"Don't be panic. Your daughter is lawless. I promise you that she will get what she deserves."


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