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Domineering Lover novel Chapter 342

Tracey stood in the center of the crowd, about to tell the story. Tina was behind Ben and Tracey didn't see her yet.

"I used to have a happy family. My mother was the most gentle woman in the world, and my father loved us so much.

It was Carmen who broke all this. She was born humble, for chasing a wealthy life, she became a bar girl.

She hated living poor, so she kept looking for someone to rely on among her customers.

By chance, she met my uncle Edgar, who raised Carmen with his own money. But she was not satisfied.

Later she knew my father and found him gentle and loyal to his woman.

She took a fancy to my father's integrity and background and took advantage of Edgar to approach my father.

She forced my father to drink a lot that night. When she woke up, she claimed to have had sex with him. A month later, she informed my father of her pregnancy.

My dad was soft- hearted and guilty for Carmen. Just because he was hesitant, Carmen saw it as a crack to penetrate in my family and implement her series of plans until my dad and mom broke.

She lied to my father that she had a pair of lovely twins in her belly and they were my father's children. Later, she began to destroy my parents' marriage step by step.

My mom was kind and tolerant, she never fought for anything but guard me. After gained my father's trust, Carmen tasted blood and she required my parent to divorce.

She used many ways to stimulate my mother and finally caused her death of heart attack. Not too long after my mom's death, Carmen came into my family with the so- called younger brother and sister of mine.

The arrival of them was the beginning of my nightmare. I never knew the little children could be the devil.¹’

When Tracey said this, she laughed at herself. Tracey still remembered that when Ben took them home, she was told that they were the younger brother and sister, and as the older sister, she should respect them and be generous.

Although Tracey was a little unhappy, she had always been an obedient child. She promised to take good care of this new pair of brother and sister.

However, her kindness got rewarded by Leo and Renee's evilness.

"What did they do to you?" The people around were fascinated by Tracey's story and hurriedly asked for details.

Tracey continued to speak, "They were instigated by Carmen to force me to leave. Only in this way can they get all the shares of the Xia Group prepared for the younger generation without sharing with me.

My younger brother would poke my hand with the compasses, but he complained that it was me who poked him so that I was punished to not eat.

He often put spiders and worms into my schoolbag, which scared me to death when I open it.

They would also deliberately break my father's precious collection and framed me for doing it. All they did was to make my father hates me, thinking me as a bad girl, and estrange me.

I spent my whole childhood being threatened and framed by them. At that time, what I feared most every day was going home.

I don't know what awaits me at home. I spent every day in fear.

More than three years ago, I was 18 years old. According to the rules of the Xia family, I should have gained 20% of the shares, but they worked together to prevent this from happening."

"What did they do?" Everyone didn't even dare to blink their eyes for fearing missing one word of Tracey’s speaking, maybe because felt hard to believe Leo and Renee's evilness. Some adult’s eyes were drenched in tears.

They all felt sorry for Tracey. Sure enough, the child who lost the mother at a young age would suffer, just like Tracey.


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