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Domineering Lover novel Chapter 356

Adam carried Tracey into the house. She was all wet. "It's already autumn and the day is cool, don't play with water, you should be aware of catching a cold.

Your hair was drenched, let alone your body. You will catch a cold if standing in the wind for a while." Adam said.

"I am happy, so I played." Tracey said. She cherished the fun. In her memory, she hadn’t laughed like just now for so many years.

"No matter how much you want to play water, you should wait until your period is over. I heard that women shall not touch water when they are on period." Adam said seriously.

"Mom, I know. I'll be careful." Tracey teased.

Tracey felt good to be cared about because she had a thoughtful man like an angel to guard her 7/24.

"Good to know you know. You should change your clothes. Don't stay in coldness, you will catch a cold." Adam said, and he spread a big towel on the bed and put Tracey on it.

"Take off your clothes." Adam ordered.

"Oh." Tracey obediently took her clothes off. With Adam's spoil, she gradually lost the ability to take care of herself.

Now she even didn't have to walk because Adam would carry her anywhere she wanted to go.

She was not the fatty little young girl anymore, now she had a beautiful figure that attracted all men under her dress.

Adam almost got choked by Tracey's body and quickly wrapped it with the towel.

"Brother Adam, you looked after me so well. I am not worried about our baby. You can definitely raise him/ her well the same." Tracey just lay on the bed, letting Adam dry her body up.

"Do you want me exhausted? How can I simultaneously cope with naughty you and the baby?" Adam pretended to be complaining.

"Okay, I'll take care of the baby with you, to make you not so tired." Tracey wore only the underwear, and she put her arms around Adam’s waist.

"Little bunny, I warn you, don' t seduce me, otherwise..." Adam had restrained himself for long and tried to suppress the fire burnt inside, but Tracey still deliberately made the fire bigger.

"Rogue." Tracey smiled.

Adam put on a knitted shirt for her and dried her hair up. Tracey lay on his lap, just like laying on her mother's lap in childhood.

"Adam, my mom said that she is not free tonight. I really want to have dinner with her." Tracey was upset. She was so eager for this private meeting, but she was still declined on the phone.

"Don't worry, there’s still time, just wait for the opportunity."

"Yes." Adam switched the dryer to the low fan. after a while, In the warm air, Tracey fell asleep.

Her soft black hair scattered on Adam’s leg, he gently removed the hair and revealed her face.

Adam stared at his little woman, smiled unconsciously. "What a good face that I can’t be tired of forever." He thought.

"Just sleep." He carefully put Tracey onto the bed and covered her with the quilt. Then he took the medicine kit to change the medicine for her hand.

He accidentally used a little more strength, and it disturbed Tracey. "It hurts..." Tracey murmured.

He smiled and reduced the strength.

Adam couldn't realize that how gentle he was to finish this medical process, only for not waking Tracey up.

The lights of the setting sun shed into the room, Tracey buried her face into Adam’s arm and took a long sleep until the night fell.


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