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Domineering Lover novel Chapter 358

Rachel still remembered the day when she met Sean for the first time.

He wore a white shirt and walked in the shade of trees. Sunlight threaded through the leave, falling on his face.

In sunshine, his skin was white and bright, the hair before his forehead swung in breeze. He looked like the prince coming out of fairy tale.

Unlike those boys who were heavily sweating or growing many pimples, Sean was so clean and pure.

Especially when he sat in front of the piano, his elegant temperament attracted all young girls.

At a glance, Rachel was sure that Sean was the man she wanted.

In the past years, Sean had gradually removed youth and ignorance but kept his elegance all the time. Now Rachel looked at the drunk man ahead, found no trace of Sean who she was familiar with.

He was surrounded by a group of bar girls, and his shirt was also stained by the lip prints of these women.

His tie was crooked, and the neckline was unbuttoned. He was still drinking with these women in a lazy manner.

"President Sheng, you lost again! I'll punish you to drink."

"Okay, I'll drink." Sean came here for getting drunk, so he drank without hesitation.

Rachel knew he was suffering. However, the person who suffered was not just him.

Rachel was ignored after shouting, feeling helpless, she walked toward Sean, pulling his shirt, and begged, "Honey, go home with me, okay?”

"Go home with yourself! Leave me alone!" Sean was angry and got rid of Rachel’s hand with impatience.

"Sean, today is our wedding day. How can you force me to stay home with myself?!" Rachel tried to be patient.

"You've already got the marriage certificate, and the wedding ceremony was also held. What else are you looking for?" Sean raised his eyes in heavy drunkenness to look at Rachel.

Rachel held Sean’s hand and said, ”1 want you. All I want is you!”

"You should know that I don’t want you!!" Although looking drunk, when Sean said this sentence, he couldn't be more conscious.

Their conversation stunned the bar girls. After all, this couple often showed off their love to the public on TV.

Unexpectedly, they were so different in private! Sure enough, Rachel was an actress whose acting skills were good enough to fool everybody!

"Get out of here!" Rachel saw sympathy from the bar girls’ eyes. "Look at you, how dare you sympathize with me? You're not qualified! I don’t need your sympathy, I am good, I am happy, many more times than you bar girls!” Rachel thought.

None of these women wanted to be involved in their family affairs, so they all left the room. Rachel sat beside Sean.

"So, you still want to drink? I'm here, I'm drinking with you."

Sean looked into Rachel's crazy eyes, "Why you are not her?"

"Her, her, her! Why always her?! Is there anything I can't compare with her? You all seem to be possessed by her!" Rachel burst into tears.

"Rachel, do you know what I hate the most?" Sean's answer was irrelevant to Rachel's questioning.

"What?" She looked up at Sean.


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