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Domineering Lover novel Chapter 384

Every step Tracey took was like walking in the heart of Renee and Carmen. Renee wanted to stop her but was afraid to be hurt. Everyone was confused that how could Tracey have such a big strength.

"Mom, you bring my mom back." Tracey looked like a child who lost way. Her eyes goggled in a daze, but unconsciously did the cruelest thing.

For example, she stepped on Carmen's body and crushed her hard, which made Carmen scream in pain. "Tracey, are you crazy? Ben, you don't stop your daughter from doing this?"

Carmen's bones seemed to have dislocated after being thrown by Tracey just now. Even things had gone awful like this, Tracey didn't mean to stop but became more and more ferocious.

Her innocent look contrasted unfavorably with her behavior. Ben walked forward to hold Tracey, if not stopping her to do so, Carmen must be killed.

"Stop, Tracey. Don't continue."

"No! My mother is gone. I will never see her again..." Tracey cried like a child, and she wanted to give one more kick to Carmen.

Ben thought it was Tina's leaving formed the big blow to Tracey. Such a look of Tracey made him scared and worried.

At the time that he held Tracey's body, Ben wicked at Renee, "Go, now!"

Not dare to think more, Renee hurriedly took Carmen leaving this place as soon as possible, in case of getting involved in more incredible scenes.

For easing the situation, Ben quickly called Adam. Adam rushed to the Xia residence right after hanging up.

When he arrived, Carmen and Renee had already left. By the bay window, Tracey, like an abandoned kitten, sat quietly there, staring blankly at the outside.

"Little bunny." Adam called softly. He did not dare to call her too loudly for avoiding scaring her.

Tracey didn't seem to hear it. She held her knees, looking at the raindrops splashing on the glass window. She murmured, "It's raining..."

"Yes, it's raining." Adam had known roughly about what happened and the stimulation that Tracey took. He could do nothing but respond to her like this.

Something seemed to have hit Tracey, and she ran out instantly.

"Little bunny, where are you going?" Adam hurried to catch up with her. He didn't know what Tracey was thinking, he only knew that Ben described her condition horribly on the phone.

She was totally abnormal. Usually, individuals would emit potential force under the stimulation, but the strength that Tracey applied to Carmen was obviously too big.

A deep meaning flashed in Adam's eyes, but at this moment, he had no time to think about it. He had more important things to do.

According to Ben, Tina's departure was a great blow to Tracey. She was in a very unstable mood now, so she tended to do something crazy.

For example, it was raining outside, but Tracey rushed to the rain barefooted. "Little bunny, what are you doing? Come back!" Adam shouted to her.

Tracey just ran forward. "No!"

Seeing the small figure running in the rain, Adam was so distressed. He had no idea why Tracey would behave like this.

Although without any clue, Adam still tried to do think of ways to help her out. He stood aside to watch closely, finding Tracey was just standing in the rain. "Is she only want to be wet?" Adam thought.

"Little bunny, if you want to catch the rain, I’ll be with you." Adam did not stop her, regardless of the reason why she did so.

An hour had passed, and Tracey didn't want to return home. Her health was weak, standing in the rain for too long would easily make her sick.

Adam came to Tracey's back and hugged her. "Well, the rain is getting heavier. Little bunny, let's go back."


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