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Domineering Lover novel Chapter 41

"Hello..." Tracey was sleepy at this moment. She found that no one was talking and she fell asleep again.

All that he wanted to say were stuck in his throat after he heard her slight breathing. He knew clearly that Tracey was sleeping very well tonight.

The image of a curving shrimp appeared in his mind. She was obviously so insecure.

"If I woke her up, she would be very difficult to fall asleep again, wouldn't she?" At this moment, he was questioning himself like that!

All madness of him were disappeared at her "Hello..." and he did not even want to wake her up.

Adam suddenly felt like he was either a fool or a person who is gradually losing his consciousness.

"It was she who fooled me first. Why can't I be the same cruel to her as I treat other women?" He continued his question.

Although thinking like that, he didn't say anything and just let her sleep.

Instead, he turned the phone to the hands- free mode and put it aside, as if she was here with him.

He finally began to feel sleepy, the furious man was gradually asleep.

He woke up very early the next day. The day was still dusky, Adam began to wash up.

Tracey was apparently still sleeping. Last night, he checked all the hotels in the city and didn't find any information about Tracey's stay.

He really wanted to know where she was hiding. He got up, took a bath, and went downstairs to have breakfast.

The butler was surprised that the person who usually came down at seven o'clock was coming down at six o'clock today.

"Sir, why did you get up so early today?" The butler had just got up.

"Shh." Adam made a silent gesture as if he was afraid of waking a sleeping dog.

At this time the butler noticed the hand-free-mode phone in his hand. "Does it mean that Mr. Xiao had already found out where Miss Xia was?" He thought.

Everyone heard Tracey's promise yesterday morning. She said that she would accompany Adam for a night. Unexpectedly, Adam came back with anger in the evening.

It had been a long time for the butler to see his boss being so angry. He must have got stand up by her.

"Miss Xia, don't be caught by Mr. Xiao, otherwise..." He prayed.

Today, Adam was getting much calmer, but his face was still very serious.

This morning, all the people in the villa had played a dumb show. Nobody dares made a little noise.

Adam's eyes would definitely sweep over if they make noise, and it scared all the maids to be like acrobats wandering on a tightrope.

He was even quieter to have breakfast compare to usual, no one had any idea about what was happening.

After he read a magazine impatiently, the voice on the phone finally broke the silence in the early morning.

"Ah, you didn't have a class this morning, did you?" An obscured voice sounded.

"I don't think so. There's an examination in the afternoon."

"Then I won't go this morning."

A woman's voice came, one of which was clearly recognized by Adam. It was the woman who accosted him yesterday!

"Good job Tracey." When he went to school yesterday, she must have been hiding somewhere to observe. After she saw he has left, she went back to the dormitory and stay overnight there.

"You're good at using military strategies, bunny." Adam drove to the university in a hurry, still with a clod face. He would catch this bunny personally today!

It was still early at this time, there was no traffic jam on the road. It took him only 25 minutes from the villa to the school.


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