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Domineering Lover novel Chapter 443

As promised, Adam came to pick her up. As soon as Tracey got in the car, she laid in Adam's arms, "Adam."

"Tracey, I've contacted some friends in the United States. One friend named Franco is one of Luke's favorites pupils. But he is not so famous as NE, as he is a low-key man."

"I have told him your story, and he will introduce you to Luke. Your success or not depends on your luck." Adam rubbed Tracey's head.

"Adam, thank you very much. If it weren't for you, I would never have the chance to get close to Luke." Tracey knew well that such was a fact.

"Silly girl, I said that you should never say thanks to me. I will help run your company. Don't worry." Adam comforted her.

"Lucky that I found you!" Tracey leaned close to him.

"It's a pity that we can't date every day. Tracey, I can't bear to part with you. I will have to go abroad to date you in the future." Adam breathed the familiar scent on her body.

"Adam, I will finish school and come back as soon as possible. In short, I will regret it for the rest of my life if I don't give it a try now, no matter I succeed or not."

"I know." Adam felt complicated now. He supported Tracey to pursue her dream, but he was also afraid that there would be accidents during this period.

"Tracey, you won't dump me, will you?" He pressed her into his arms as if he wanted to embed her into his body so that he would never separate from her forever.

Adam's jealousy came from his insecurity. He cherished this woman with his life and took care of her carefully. He hated to see her suffer any grievance.

But at the same time, he was afraid that Tracy, who was precious to him, would fall for others and dump him; therefore, he did not want to separate from her at all.

"You are silly. You are good to me and my only destiny. Even if you are bad to me, I will not leave you."

"Moreover, there is only one Adam in the world. If I dump you, where should I find another Adam?" Tracey chuckled.

"Steve is good to you too," Adam said emotionlessly. Among these rivals in love, he didn't give a d*mn about Sean, Carl, or David.

Sean had stayed on the blacklist after his betrayal, Carl took advantage of Tracey, and David was too young.

But Steve was a strong potential rival who was different from them. He was infatuated with Tracey, considerate, and had done nothing to hurt Tracey.

It was a sure thing that Tracey would meet Steve after she arrived in the United States, but Adam himself had to work here, which was why Adam had scruples.

No one knew how long Tracey would stay in the U.S this time, and he felt anxious and couldn't relax.

"Puff, Adam, you remember Steve? As I told you, he is a friend and family, but not a lover."

"Besides, if there is a possibility, we should have been lovers a long time ago. Relax, you are the one I love and cherish at heart."

"Actually, I feel anxious as many women fall for you. Remember, don't mess around during my absence." Tracey poked him in the chest gently.


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