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Domineering Lover novel Chapter 446

Tracey felt anguished now, as she had thought that both Adam and the medicine had been left behind.

Adam did not mention the medicine in their talk yesterday, and she had felt pleased secretly.

She crossed her finger and prayed silently. 'It must be a coincidence, and the medicine must be prepared for Steve. Oh God, it must not be prepared for me!'

It turned out that God did not hear her wish. Steve turned around and looked at her with suspicion, "Your medicine, don't you know?"

Tracey put a hand over her chest and asked, "What did you say?"

"It's yours. Your man had sent me a large box of herbal medicines before you set off from home. He said that the quantity was about for three months. Your medicine even arrived before your arrival." Steve explained.

Steve was defeated by such consideration Adam showed to Tracey and quitted of his own free will. Panic struck Steve when Adam first made this request.

"What happened? Why should she take medicine? That's how you take care of her?" Steve was furious at first and questioned Adam.

"She is well but has a weak constitution. These medicines are to strengthen her health. Save your breaths, as I care about her more than you do."

Steve felt relieved at this information, "Weak constitution?" He knew Adam loved Tracey as he did, though they were not on good terms with each other.

"Don't you know that she suffers severe menstrual colic every time when her period comes? The pain is caused by the deficiency of her constitution. These medicines will do her good." Adam said in a calm tone.

Of course, Steve had witnessed that Tracey suffered severe pain on her first day of the period with a pale face during that three years when they hanged out together.

He had once consulted a doctor and was told that everyone has a unique constitution and many girls who shared the same trouble had got relieved after giving birth to a child.

The doctor said that it was inborn. So Steve had no choice but to prepare a hot water bag for Tracey every time her period came.

Steve was convinced of Adam's sincerity towards Tracey and felt touched by such a move, so he agreed to help, "Well, how many times?"

"I don't know how long she will stay in the United States. I will send you an amount for three months first. She loathes herbal medicine, and you have to watch her drink it every time."

"She has been drinking the medicine for almost a month and already feels sick of it. I bet she will try every way to avoid the drinking."

"You should be hard on this whatever she says or does. You must make her drink, as it is for her sake!" Adam was like a serious father who gave all tips before handing his daughter over to others.

"At least three months? Adam, I once asked the doctor about her pain and was informed that her pain caused by the weak constitution would get alleviated after she had a baby."

"Don't¹ you think pregnancy is the best way out?"

"What’s more, all medicines have side effects. Won't she get hurt after taking medicine for such a long time? Won't the medicine do bad to your child if she gets pregnant accidentally? I don't think taking medicine is a good idea."

Steve had a different opinion from Adam on this matter. Since Tracey had to give birth to get relieved from the pain, why not saved her the trouble of drinking medicines?

"No, no way. She must take the medicine." Adam was firm.


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