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Domineering Lover novel Chapter 612

Caroline did not expect that her actions would bring her such a consequence. Her shareholdings had been stripped. Although she could still rely on the Luo family, how could she possibly tolerate such humiliation?

But this was just the beginning. She signed the agreement of asset transfer, then she received a court order. Tracey had appealed the case to the supreme court.

Caroline hurriedly contacted her lawyer, but the lawyer had made it clear that the claimant had solid evidence. The chances of them winning the case are slim, so she had to be mentally prepared in advance.

If this lawsuit appealed to Tracey's favour, Caroline would have to pay a large sum of compensation. Caroline gritted her teeth. "Damned woman, how could she be so annoying?" On the other hand, Tracey could finally take a breath of relief. There was still some time left, during which both parties could collect evidence before the court hearing.

Tracey had worked tirelessly for days to finish the jewellery for Candy; she also had someone bring it to America for Candy.

She had bought tickets to Rome for the day after online. Adam was already in Rome. Coincidentally, she also adored the city very much, a city full of romantic places.

"Adam, everything here is almost done. The plane will arrive the day after tomorrow in the morning." Tracey reported her situation to him.

"You little rascal, how could you not tell me such a big incident had happened? Do you want me to be worried sick?" Adam said in a slightly reproachful tone.

"Adam, I didn't want you to be distracted. Moreover, I can handle these things by myself?" Tracey said affectionately, in hopes of forgiveness.

"Yes, yes, yes. It has been handled very well. I have already heard from Jensen Jiang. I'll let it slide this time, but don't keep it from me next time."

"Well, don't worry. It's getting late, so I'm going to bed. I'll be there the day after."


Tracey had resolved the company's affairs, and all the negative effects completely disappeared. After the poisonous perfume incident, the perfume received more publicity.

Although the returns made previously cause an enormous impact, profits will return soon.

Early in the morning, she asked Mark to take her to the airport. Amazingly, Tracey ran into someone who she thought she'd never cross paths with again, Rachel Nan.

They went through the security check together, yet they did not greet each other. Rachel could see Tracey's glorious glow. Ever since she left 4 years ago, Tracey had been doing great. On the other hand, Rachel went on a downward slope.

Originally, they thought that it was normal to meet at such a large airport. After all, there were so many flights here. Who knew that after boarding, the two actually booked the same plane, and it was seated next to each other.

Rachel took off her big sunglasses and put on the blindfold as soon as she got on the plane, ready to sleep. Maybe to avoid Tracey, or perhaps she was truly tired.

Tracey leaned to one side and looked at Rachel. She wore light makeup, but even the makeup could not hide her exhaustion. Rachel looked very haggard.

Tracey hadn't seen her since the premiere of the perfume. Why is she flying to Rome alone now that she's with William Turner?

She hadn't seen anyone pick her up at the security checkpoint, either. Since Rachel had already left the entertainment industry, why is she going to Rome?

Tracey felt a little strange, but it was not her place to ask about other people's private affairs. They had not been friends for a long time.


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