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Domineering Lover novel Chapter 619

Rachel drove home. In order not to let her parents worry, she acted like nothing had happened.

"Rachel, where did you go?" Everyone in the Nan family was watching Rachel's every move, especially Alice.

"I just went out for a ride. Mom, didn't you get a visa for me? I want to go to Europe now." As an actress, Rachel hid her grief well.

"That's great. After all the hard work you've put in the last few years, it's time to take a break. You're still young, and you'll definitely meet a perfect man."

"I know. If anyone comes to me, tell them I'm not here."

"Okay, go get some rest." Alice was really happy. Her daughter finally agreed to give herself a vacation.

Rachel booked an early flight the next morning. Later, William came to the Nan family looking for her. However, Alice told him that she wasn't back yet.

Rachel had already turned off her phone. She decided to make a clean break with the past. Before she left early the next morning, she told her mother, "Mom, if William comes to me again, please tell him I'm done with him."

"I see. Have a good time! Come back when you want to." As a woman, Alice knew how hard it was to lose a child.

Shortly after Rachel left, William came again. He couldn't find her all day yesterday, so he came to her house early this morning. Unfortunately, he just missed her. She had just left to catch her flight.

"Auntie, where's Rachel? I really need to see her. I tried calling her, but I couldn't get through."

"She said she was done with you," Alice said indifferently. Now she thought William wasn't good enough to be her son-in-law. He couldn't even handle his annoying family.

Alice looked unhappy. William knew that Rachel must have misunderstood him. She had been badly hurt before. Just when she thought he would make her happy, he let her down.

Her heart must have been broken into pieces. He dared not imagine how sad she was now.

"Auntie, Rachel misunderstood me. Please let me see her. I have to explain."

"William, she has already left. She doesn't want to be in this sad place anymore." "Auntie, where did she go? Please tell me." "She went to Airport B. If you get there now, maybe you can stop her before she goes through security."

"Thank you, Auntie." William left quickly. What he didn't know was that Rachel was actually going to Airport A. The two airports were far apart. Once he got to Airport B, he'd never catch up with her.

Alice lied because she felt bad for her daughter. She didn't want Rachel to get hurt again.

Rachel pretended to be calm all the way to the airport. At the moment when the plane took off, she burst into tears.

Tracey didn't know what had happened to Rachel. Seeing this, she thought Rachel must have been hurt or something.

She handed Rachel a napkin, who then silently wiped away her tears.The long flight time calmed Rachel down, but neither of them spoke.

They used to be besties when they were in high school. But now they were like strangers.

Tracey was reading the latest fashion magazine. She didn't kick Rachel when she was down.

Looking at Tracey's gentle profile, Rachel suddenly felt relieved.

"I'm sorry," Rachel suddenly said in a low voice. In the past, she never felt that she was wrong to steal Tracey's boyfriend.


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