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Domineering Lover novel Chapter 628

Originally, Tracey thought her mom would be here. However, Rocco was the one representing R Company. He should be her relative.

They why did he look at her like that just now? In her judgment, that look in his eye could not have been kindness.

"What are you looking at?" Steve asked. Tracey seemed to be thinking about something, and her face was cold.

"Nothing." Tracey heard something about R family from Wilson. It was likely that Rocco was against her mother.

"Little bunny, I'm sorry. The car broke down on the road. Sorry to keep you waiting." Adam rushed to her.

"It doesn't matter." Tracey took his arm and said, "Let's go in."

"Okay." Steve and Jovanni also walked in.

"Adam, are you interested in this project?" Tracey asked.

"I am, but I'm too busy now. I don't think I can do it both.

"I may need to put all my liquidity into my current project, and this project requires a large investment. So, I'll just give this one up."

Both of these projects were big. To keep the money flowing, he couldn't be too greedy.

He even needed a loan for his current project. Even if he was interested in Michael's project, he couldn't do it.

Moreover, there was a lot of competition on this project. He didn't want to waste his time on it.

If it weren't for Tracey, he wouldn't even have come here.

"Looks like this project is really tempting. Even Caesar and Bradley are here."

"The domestic market has been basically stable. It's natural for them to want to expand into foreign ones, and this project is indeed great."

"You're right. I hope Steve gets this project, but it's a long shot. There are a lot of people here who are more competitive than us."

Tracey shook her head. Her company with Steve was doing well, but it was not a top company.

Mr. Bardem would certainly prefer to work with a company with deep pockets.

"So what? Sometimes older companies are less dynamic than younger ones. Believe in yourself and Steve." Adam comforted her.

Tracey nodded. She was not interested in this project before, but Steve's arrival aroused her fighting will.

If she could win this project, she would surely be able to achieve her goal sooner.

Tracey took out her mobile phone and goggled Michael Bardem.

"What, you are in?" Adam noticed what she was doing.

"Since I'm here, why don't I give it a try?"

"Sure." Adam was always supportive of her decision.

They entered the hall. This party was like the Oscars. You could meet a lot of celebrities and people of different colors.


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