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Domineering Lover novel Chapter 63

For Tracey, this was not a surprise at all, but a shock. She had always believed that there was no such thing as a free lunch, but today, she had a free lunch.

According to her business experience, she did not find there was a problem with the contract, but the biggest problem was that there was no problem.

Lucy thought Tracey would be very happy to sign the contract, but she didn't expect that she was not excited at all. Instead, she was suspicious.

In her heart, she considered it a disaster rather than good luck.

"Miss Xia, all you need to do is to sign here." Lucy was sad because her commission reduced a lot.

There seemed to be no problems with the contract and she really liked the house here as they were close to the sea.

"All right." Since the company had offered its generosity, she accepted it. Anyway, it was not her who suffered a net loss. Tracey checked the contract again and signed her name.

"Miss, please wait here for a moment. I'll go through the formalities for you." Lucy turned around and left. What Adam waited for was Tracey's signature.

"It's you." He glanced coldly at Lucy, the woman who humiliated Tracey yesterday, was working here.

Looking at the man in a straight suit, the general manager stood behind him respectfully, in an instant, she knew who he was.

He was the president! Thinking of the scene that he left with Tracey yesterday, they had known each other for a long time.

"President." Lucy's face was pale.

"From now on, you can't work here. This contract will be followed up by you later." Adam said directly to the general manager. Yesterday, he didn't forget how this woman said about Tracey.

How could merely one cup of coffee enough for Adam's punishment! It was Lucy's bad luck to meet Adam today.

"Yes, president." The general manager did not dare to ask about the reason. He took the contract from Lucy and said, "Go to the finance department to get this month's payment."

Only at this moment did Lucy realize that both Adam and Tracey were malefic of her life! All her hard work in the past half a year had been in vain.

"It was all because of Tracey!" Lucy thought. However, Tracey didn't know about anything.

Adam left them and walked directly to the VIP room. The sunlight sprinkled quietly on Tracey's body.

She looked much more gentle at this moment. Tracey didn't know that Adam was coming, so she didn't even raise her head.

She was still focusing on the floor plan of the new house, which was almost 0.5 times bigger than the house she chose before.

Anyway, it was still nothing among the villa especially compared with Adam's home or the Xia family's castle.

And she had always liked silence, so she didn't need so many servants. Only one to clean up the room would be enough.

300 plus square meters were enough. This was a finished house, with a study room and a piano room.

There was a white piano in the picture and she stared at it for a moment. She also thought of many scenes.

Sean liked to play the piano very much. She learned the piano for him, and she still remembered that she suffered a lot in learning.

Now she was already good at playing, but the only listener she wanted had gone. Tracey sighed.

"Do you like it?" A familiar voice came to her ears, she suddenly trembled subconsciously because she was still absorbed in her thoughts.

"Mr. Xiao!" She realized why she could get such a discount. Not only was the house price changed, but there was also a swimming pool.


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