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Domineering Lover novel Chapter 637

Mr. Bardem talked a lot about his design ideas. As a business magnate, he actually studied painting instead of finance in college.

He learned to paint when he was a child, but his family was not well off. His first girlfriend dumped him because she thought painting was a dead-end job.

This had changed his life. From then on, he began to value material things.

He threw away his paintbrush, gave up being a designer and went into business. He had a gift in it and slowly became successful.

Later, his career got bigger and bigger. Even if he wanted to, he didn't have time to paint. It was a regret for him.

Tracey kind of filled the hole in his heart. She was not only doing well in her career, but also sticking to her hobbies.

He liked her very much. It was not about Venus. He admired her independence and persistence, so he wanted to give her a hand.

"Well, that means a lot." Mr. Bardem was looking forward to it. Every piece of her work was special and spiritual.

"Uncle Bardem, are you familiar with my mother?" Tracey felt she was the last person to know her mother.

"Well, yes. She's a genius. She skipped several grades and was the youngest person in our college.

"Finance was hard. A lot of people failed, but she always got an A.

"She finished the courses ahead of schedule. Do you know how old she was when she graduated?"

It was the first time Tracey had heard of her mom's college life. She was very curious, and her eyes were shining.

"No. Mom never told me about her past. She said I was too young to understand. But she left me when I was growing up."

"Sixteen! I heard she'd been smarter than her peers since she was a kid.

"Her family was very strict with her. They felt there was no need for her to stay there after she had mastered the college course.

"I didn't see much of her at college. She studied finance, and I studied painting. I just kept hearing about this talented girl.

"My real connection with her was after graduation. At that time, I just started my business, but she had already taken over R Company.

"We met a few times, and soon after that I heard she was gone. No one knew where she went, but she changed me.

"She gave me the will to live when I was going through the worst of times. When I met her again after eight years, I'd made my mark.

"I'd been asking around, but I just didn't know where she spent the last eight years. She was like a mystery that just disappeared and reappeared.

"I'd offered to work with her many times since she came back, and we started seeing each other a lot.

"I appreciate and liked her. But after pursuing her for a long time, I failed.

"I thought she was too picky to fall for mere mortals. She's been single all these years.


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