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Domineering Lover novel Chapter 66

The blue sea had become dark and horrible under the night sky, especially in the heavy rain and wind.

A young man, about eleven or twelve years old, was calling for help when floating in the sea with driftwood, suddenly seeing a little figure falling from the ship.

He instantly dived into the water and pulled her up before she sank. "Don't move!" He told the little girl who struggling hard. If she kept doing this, both of them would die.

He put Tracey out of the water. "Dad, mom, help me!" She cried loudly.

"Don't move, or you and I will both die. Hold my neck, relax, and wait for help." The young man said.

Tracey sniffed. In such a dangerous situation, the person who was just a few years older than she was so calm and cool.

"It seemed that it was he who saved me just now." Tracey thought. In the darkness, she could not see his face clearly. She could only listen to him and hold his neck.

"Be gentle, little one, are you going to choke me?" The teenager almost couldn't breathe.

Tracey was a little girl who had never experienced danger. How could she know it was serious? It was just her instinct to survive.

She felt that this young man was her only driftwood so she was wrapping around his body like an octopus.

"Relax, don't be nervous. As long as you relax, you won't sink." The youth took a breath and comforted her in her ear.

Tracey slowly followed his guidance and found that her body really didn't continue sinking. She gently hugged his neck and didn't dare to let go.

The boy put the wood in front of her, "Go up." he said. This wood could only bore Tracey's little body.

Tracey went up to the driftwood with his help, but he only had a corner of the driftwood to grab.

"Little girl, how did you jump down?" In such a big storm, all parents would take good care of their children. How could she be allowed to not staying in the room?

"Because my dad said it was too dangerous and he didn't let the crew save you. I was anxious and said if you don't save them, I jumped, but I didn't expect..."

The girl's angry face looked cute in the lightning. Thunder was roaring.

"Mom, I'm scared." She was so scared that she jumped down from the floating wood and quickly hid in the young man's arms.

She could only hear the thunder in the room just now. In addition, the good atmosphere in the room made her not afraid at all.

But now, she had experienced such a shocking scene on the broad sea, not to mention a child, even an adult would be frightened.

Tracey held the boy tightly. He grabbed the driftwood with one hand and held her waist tightly with the other hand. He corrected her and said, "I'm not your mom."

"Brother, I'm afraid..." Until this moment, the little girl burst into a strong fear.

"What are you afraid of? See, they have put down the rescue ladder and will soon save you. As long as I am here, you will be all right."

Although she didn't know him and couldn't even see his face clearly, his voice made her gradually calm down.

Under the dangerous situation, things could get worse if they were panicked.

But If there was one person who calmed down first, others would be feeling at ease one by one.

"But I'm still afraid." Tracey was so scared that she didn't dare to open her eyes as if the lightning could strike her at any time.

"If you're afraid, don't open your eyes. I'll hand you over to them safely."

"Miss Xia, give me your hand." A lifeboat appeared in front of them, Tracey opened her eyes.


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