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Domineering Lover novel Chapter 662

Before the dawn of the Lunar New Year, Reen arrived at the Bradley's. And everyone should be sound asleep at this hour.

The janitor recognized Renee and notified the butler.

He was wakened up, though dead asleep. He came out immediately upon receipt of notification in fear that there was something urgent.

With sleepy eyes, the butler in pajamas found Renee standing at the door, "Miss Xia, what's the matter?"

He spoke with respect and calmness, though Renee, an expellee, woke him up at midnight.

"I'm sorry to bother you so late at night. I have to meet Bradley for something important."

"He is in a sound sleep. I suggest a meeting tomorrow morning. You can take a rest in the guest room tonight."

"But it is an emergency! Please do me a favor, as I must meet him now."

"He won't be happy to be wakened up. Whatever emergency, I strongly suggest that you talk to him tomorrow morning, as it will do you no good if he gets angry."

"Then... I'll wait for him here." Renee had no choice. She wouldn't take seek help from Bradley if Leo wasn't in grave danger.

The butler suggested friendly, "It's cold at night. Your old room is still empty, and why not rest there? Things will be worse if you catch a cold."

Some women demanded to come back after being expelled, but he remembered that Renee left without hesitation.

What was more, it was early in the morning of the first day of the lunar year, and Renee came with anxiety. The butler assumed that Renee came to beg for a favor, not a return.

Having served Bradley for years, the butler was sophisticated enough to penetrate some things.

Renee felt hopeless before meeting Rocco, so she felt it alright to serve Bradley.

Then, she bumped into Rocco in Rome. And the warmth from Rocco rekindled her enthusiasm for life, so she left without scruple when being expelled by Bradley.

Now, Rocco came all the way from the US to date her. For Rocco, Renee would love to terminate all relationships with Bradley. And it was unacceptable for her to stay over here one night.

"No, thanks. I came to ask for a favor from Bradley. It is warm in the living room, and I would like to sit over the night there." Renee proposed one solution.

The butler had to agree, "Then, please be my guest. Good night, Miss Xia."

"Sorry for the trouble caused."

"My pleasure. It is my job." The butler yawned and left.

Renee was sitting on the sofa with a cushion in her arms. Carmen, who was ignorant of what happened, called Renee.

"Renee, where are you now? It's late."

"Mom, I am still at the square with my friend, and it's noisy here. Don't worry about me, and you take a rest first." Renee lied.

"Your little brother didn't answer my phone. I am alone at home at this festival. I can't sleep." Carmen complained.

Renee grew up quickly in the past few months, so she could understand the bitterness of Carmen now.


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