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Domineering Lover novel Chapter 672

Edgar was Ruth's first sugar daddy. She had never thought that she would carry his child, but now she was lying on the cold operating table. She had never been so sober.

The doctor said the operation was painless and would only take a few minutes. She looked numbly at the ceiling.

Was she in pain? Yes, mentally. She closed her eyes in despair, and tears poured down her face.

"I'm sorry, baby. If you have an afterlife, I hope you to have a clean, kind mother."

After the operation, the nurse pushed her to a resting room. She felt so tired that she wanted to sleep.

Her mind, however, was very clear. Some images of the past flashed before her eyes, and she felt her brain about to explode.

Someone was making a racket next door. A woman didn't let her daughter-in-law have a pain reliever because it was expensive.

"Everyone else had it! Why are you doing this to me?" The woman was extremely angry, but she was too exhausted to lose it.

"Do you know how much that costs? I didn't even go to the hospital when I gave birth. Why are you being such a baby?

"My son has a hard time making money, and you didn't even give him a boy..."

Their argument went on and on, making Ruth's head hurt even more.

She pretty much knew what was going on in this family. The daughter-in-law was pregnant with a girl, but the mother-in-law wanted a boy. And then there was this abortion without a pain reliever.

This was the real world. Ruth thought of Carl. She had known that they were from the different worlds from the beginning.

After a few hours, the noise finally disappeared. Ruth got out of bed alone, put on her shoes, and left.

After returning home, she rested for a while. When she felt better, she decided to leave this city alone.

She could not stay here anymore. Her family hated her and she had no real friends.

She bought a train ticket to the south. She grew up in the north, and she wanted to live a different life at a different place.

Before she left, she called Edgar and it took him a long time to answer the phone. Probably he did not want to talk to her.

"Hello." His voice was calm.

"I let you go."

Edgar did not understand what she meant. "What do you mean by that?"

"Cherish your wife and don't let her down. It's a mistake for us to meet." Ruth hung up the phone after saying this.

Edgar called her back and wanted to ask more, but her phone was turned off.

"Sorry, the number you dialed..."

Ruth threw her calling card in the air, and it finally fell into the trash can.

It was time for her to let go of her garbage past. Sitting on the train, she looked out the window at the familiar landscape.

The pas was flashing before her eyes. She suddenly thought of the day of her interview. At that time, she believed she would be eliminated.


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